Assessment of the state of coasts in Europe – EEA activities and needs Andrus Meiner, European Environment Agency European Conference on Coastal Zone Research:


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Presentation transcript:

Assessment of the state of coasts in Europe – EEA activities and needs Andrus Meiner, European Environment Agency European Conference on Coastal Zone Research: an ELOISE Approach, Portoroz, Slovenia, November 14 – 18, 2004

Work on coastal zone at the EEA EEA multi-annual work programme for Tackling biodiversity loss/understanding spatial change Landscape and spatial change assessments Sustainable spatial development of regions of Europe (focus: coastal zones)

EEA is taking approach towards more integrated activities Emphasis on spatial information and assessments of sustainable development of regions in Europe Other relevant work areas land-use changes in ecologically sensitive areas assessments of coastal and marine ecosystems linking freshwater to coastal and marine areas support to the key thematic strategies, marine, urban and soils

Objective of the work on coasts Review of the ICZM Recommendation in 2006 ICZM Recommendation recognises that good decisions are based on relevant, credible and reliable information The role of EEA is to provide means to collect and organise this information Validated conceptual framework for the coast Data relevant for EU coastal policy development Analysis of spatial and temporal trends

Spatial assessment of the state of coasts in Europe Data sources new CORINE Land Cover 2000 data set (launch 17 Nov) other European data sources (N2000, Eurosion etc.) link with GMES service elements (Coastwatch etc.) Consolidate and validate the analytical framework for coastal assessments environmental accounting of land use and ecosystems Spatial analysis of trends on European coasts Networking with coastal experts and stakeholders

Elements of analytical framework Policy background for spatial assessment Complexity of the coastal assessment Sectors integration Cross-cutting integration and stakeholders Spatial and sea/land integration Causal links Search for spatial unit of coastal assessment Storyline for main environmental problems on the coast Change detection, trend evaluation, conflict mapping

Improved understanding of coastal and marine processes Assessment of the current situation Analysis of underlying drivers sectors policies policy responses stakeholders interests traditions (human dimension) Recognizing main gaps in knowledge Identification of future information needs Role of coastal research

Needs – general issues Reliable information about status of coastal systems policy relevant, harmonized, timely, European- coverage data sets Sound models and frameworks for analysis of coastal systems organisation of the information reporting and communication Concepts for improving “visibility of coasts” design the spatial units for ocoastal assessment oplanning and management link river basins, coastal strip and coastal water

Needs – specific aspects Actual trends on coasts physical socio-economic Diversity of coasts across countries eco-regions (regional seas) From local to EU perspective Spatial data resolution Administration levels (thematic resolution)

ICZM targets SD on the coasts Economic considerations Environmental & recreation considerations Social & cultural considerations Spatial planning, regional development & cohesion considerations

Policy context for coasts Sectoral policies Need for additional integration Integrated policies Need for full implementation Unique policy element for sea/land interface

Spatial assessment of state of coast 5 top land cover changes in 10 km of coast Analysis of the urban development patterns on the EU coast Urban development at the coast: towards a growing residential model of land take Urban changes and dominant landscape types Maritime activities and urban development patterns (harbours) Spatial changes in coastal resources Agricultural changes at the coast Wetland loss Natura2000 areas, wetlands and semi/natural areas Spatial conflicts at the coast and status of ecosystems

Starting point: CORINE Land Cover standard classification CORINE Land Cover 1990

CLC generalisation - dominant landscape types on the coast This map is based on CLC1990

The concept of stock & flow accounts Gains Losses

Ireland Origin of urban land uptake , as % of total uptake (source: CORINE Land Cover 2000 – PROVISIONAL RESULTS)

Built up in the distance of the coast by Regional Sea Basins Distance to the coast (Km) % of built up Atlantic Baltic Black Sea Mediterranean North Sea

Urban development at the coast: growing residential land take

“The EEA aims to support sustainable development and to help achieve significant and measurable improvement in Europe’s environment, through the provision of timely, targeted, relevant and reliable information to policy-making agents and the public.”