by Terry Shintani, MD, JD, MPH, KSJ
Are you tired of dieting? Recent studies have shown that most diets really don't work and can even be harmful. This book turns the traditional concept of dieting upside down and replaces these old ideas with a healthy plan for weight loss designed around the latest information ‑ a plan that can be sustained for the rest of your life.
Here are some of the startling things you will learn in this book. How to lose weight while eating up to 200% MORE FOOD A revolutionary way to find foods that will promote weight loss Why, in the long run, you must eat MORE to weigh less Five great misconceptions about dieting in America How to lose weight while you sleep The one category of food to avoid for easy weight loss How to make your hunger work for you instead of against you Six steps to lower your cholesterol in just 30 days How to avoid 6 of the 10 leading causes of death in the United States How to prepare easy weight loss foods
WHAT THE DIET IS NOT The Eat More Diet is not a "fad diet". Actually, it is not even a "diet" in the usual sense because there is no calorie counting. There are no powders, pills or magic bullets. It is not a diet which depends on portion control, and you won't need to exercise impossible self discipline. There are no gimmicks in the Eat More Diet program, and you're going to get slim and stay slim by using real food. It's a brand new up ‑ to ‑ the ‑ minute scientifically supported plan that has worked for real people in real life situations, and this book will show you how it can work for you.
WHY THE "EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS" DIET? It's called the "Eat More, Weigh Less" Diet because as strange as it sounds, much of the recent research including work I have done on obesity actually shows that you can lose weight by eating more. I've also called this book the "Eat More, Weigh Less" Diet because, frankly, I wanted to get your attention. Believe it or not, however, I do intend to show you how to Eat More and Weigh Less.
WHAT IS THE "EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS" DIET Most diets tell you what not to do. The Eat More, Weigh Less Diet (usually referred to in this book as "Eat More Diet") tells you what you CAN do. The Eat More Diet program is deliberately designed so that it will not be a grueling exercise in self denial. Instead of teaching you how to do without food, the Eat More Diet will teach you how to EAT MORE and STILL LOSE WEIGHT. And, as a tremendous bonus, you'll automatically lower your cholesterol level in under 30 days, even get rid of the need for some medications, and you will otherwise probably become healthier than you've ever been in your life.
The Eat More Diet is a new approach to weight loss that uses a collection of principles, techniques, tools, and recipes to help you to maximize your health. I have used them with great success in my practice and demonstrated the effectiveness of its underlying principle in a research project published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. (3) I have developed five techniques and seven tools along with recipes and suggestions for your convenience.
TECHNIQUES The Eat More Diet focuses on five main techniques: 1. How to "Eat More, Weigh Less" by choosing foods that satisfy your hunger while promoting weight loss (Chapter three) 2. How to avoid foods that can increase body fat (Chapter four) 3. Three ways to help you lose weight in your sleep (Chapter five) 4. How to balance your diet (Chapter seven) 5. How to incorporate this diet into your lifestyle (Chapter six)
TOOLS The seven tools that I find most useful are: 1. A chart that I call the "Eat More Index" which helps you by indicating what foods will satisfy you the most, and what foods have the most fat in them. 2. The "Fat Finder Formula" which helps you find hidden fat in food 3. The Fat Gram approach to help limit the fat in your diet 4. A menu with recipes to show you how to prepare the food 5. The "Inverted Food Pyramid" which helps you balance your diet 6. A "Slim Pie" chart which is another diagram to help balance your diet 7. Additional diagrams and charts to show you how to make the Eat More Diet work for you.
HOW THIS BOOK IS ORGANIZED This book is organized into three parts. The first part explains the principles behind the diet. The second part describes the diet and how to implement the diet including recipes and menus. The third part provides discusses special topics on diet and its impact on health.
WHY I DEVELOPED THE EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS DIET? Just Go To: WebHealthForYou.Com For more info.