European Environment Agency NCM Ilulissat 2008 Jacqueline McGlade European Environment Agency
NCM Ilulissat 2008 Kalaallit Nunaat Nunaviut
European Environment Agency NCM Ilulissat 2008 Calming influence
European Environment Agency NCM Ilulissat 2008 Greening Greenland
European Environment Agency NCM Ilulissat 2008 Simulated change in sea ice cover. The present situation is in pink, and the situation in 2070 is shown in white colour. Winter situation is shown to the left (March maximum) and the summer situation to the right (September maximum). New planetary ecosystem
European Environment Agency NCM Ilulissat 2008 Grasshopper effect
European Environment Agency NCM Ilulissat 2008 PCB and DDT in Ringed seal Source: AMAP
European Environment Agency NCM Ilulissat 2008 PCB contamination in Arctic peoples Highest levels are found in maternal blood from communities that depend on traditional diets that include marine mammals EEA Source: AMAP, 2002
European Environment Agency NCM Ilulissat 2008 Hunting for the basics
European Environment Agency NCM Ilulissat 2008 Sharing benefits & risks
European Environment Agency NCM Ilulissat 2008 Unbearable
European Environment Agency NCM Ilulissat 2008 INSROP (1999) Northern Sea Route ~ 6,920km Suez Canal ~ 11,073km Panama Canal ~ 12,420km Cape of Good Hope ~ 14,542km Year- round Navigation
European Environment Agency NCM Ilulissat 2008 Operating rules
European Environment Agency NCM Ilulissat 2008 Today’s Maritime Arctic (200 nm EEZ)
European Environment Agency NCM Ilulissat 2008 United Nations Law of the Sea Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Convention on Biological Diversity Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animal Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal Convention on Long range Transboudary Air Pollution UNEP Regional Seas programme Vienna Convention on protection of the Ozone Layer United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change Convention on Access tp Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo)
European Environment Agency NCM Ilulissat 2008 CPR-routes Argo Floats Today’s ocean observing systems
European Environment Agency NCM Ilulissat 2008 e.g. Norway Sharing & redistributing information systems & services InvestmentReturn e.g. Greenland e.g. Canada web services Core Arctic Website
European Environment Agency NCM Ilulissat 2008 Eye on Earth - the global citizen observatory
European Environment Agency NCM Ilulissat 2008