September 22, 2011 Bellringer: Answer on Bellringer sheet… write out question and answer
Objective: Identify how rocks form Agenda: Finish Dantes Peak Rock cycle notes Rock cycle diagram/worksheet Lab 9: Classifying rocks- vocabulary Sedimentary rock notes
Three major groups of rocks: SEDIMENTARY IGNEOUS METAMORPHIC
Using your textbook page 126 recreate rock cycle diagram using at least three colors.
made of … 1.Rock fragments ( Sediments) 2.Chemical reactions.
Form by chemical precipitation (settling out from a solution.) Limestone is made from calcite, Chert from quartz, Halite is rock salt
Coal Some Limestone Petrified Wood
Shale is the most common sedimentary rock Sedimentary rocks cover about three-quarters of the land surface They often contain fossils. They often have distinct, parallel layers called beds or strata. Many will resemble the sediments they came from.
List at least three rocks for each