In 1763, the Treaty of Paris ended the … French and Indian War Also known as the …in Europe Seven Years War
In 1763 the Proclamation of 1763 was made, the British would allow no colonial expansion west of the Appalachian Mountains.
Beginning in 1764, Great Britain instituted new taxes on the American Colonies that they nicknamed “The New Colonial Policy.” Why did Great Britain do this?
In 1764, The Sugar Act, an extra tax put on sugar, molasses, coffee, wine and silk imports. Colonists responded by boycotting English goods. The Sugar Act was repealed in 1766.
In 1765 the Stamp Act was passed by parliament. This act required all printed material to be stamped, for example; Newspapers, legal documents, permits, pamphlets and books… Even playing cards
Colonists protested the Stamp Act, violently in some areas and Patriot organizations like the Sons of Liberty were formed and rioted in many North American coastal cities as a result of the Stamp Act. The flag of the sons of Liberty.
In North Carolina, riots broke out in Wilmington and Brunswick, where the “Sons of Liberty” took over the British ship “Viper” and forced them to sail to Tryon Palace in …
In 1766, only one year after the Stamp Act was passed by Parliament and after much rioting by American colonists, the Stamp Act was repealed. The Sons of Liberty tarring and feathering a tax collector underneath the Liberty Tree
In 1767, Parliament passed the Townshend Acts, an extra tax put on wine, tea, paper, glass and lead imports. Colonists responded with angry mobs, rioting, protests, and boycotts, most notably in Boston.
On March 5, 1770 British soldiers killed 5 colonists during an angry colonial protest in Boston.
In 1770 the Townshend Acts were repealed with the exception of the tax on Tea. In 1773, The Tea Act made the British East India Company exempt from the tax on tea. Colonial merchants who had to pay the tax (unless they bought from the East India Company) were angered.
In December, 1773, approximately 60 members of the “Sons of liberty” disguised themselves as Native Americans and dumped 342 chests of tea into the Boston harbor.
Boston was the center of the American colonial trade at the time at and before the American Revolution, most of the main conflicts between the Patriots and British happened in Boston.
Patriot leaders in each of the colonies began to form “secret governments” for the purpose of communication with other colonies and the organization of Patriot events.
In 1774, as a response to the Boston Tea Party, the British Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts. These laws were called the Coercive Acts by the British. These laws were meant to punish American protestors. In addition to closing the port of Boston, they made colonists house British soldiers. This was called the Quartering Act.
In August 1774, the patriots in North Carolina held the 1st N.C. Provincial Congress in secrecy to select delegates to attend the Continental Congress, a meeting between all of the American colonies.
In September, 1774, The 1st Continental Congress met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to discuss the American colonies’ relationship with Great Britain. 12 of the 13 American colonies were present. The Continental Congress urged colonies to form militias and committees of safety. Which colony was not present at the 1 st Continental Congress? Georgia
To show their support for the Patriot cause and aid in the boycott of British goods, 51 North Carolina women led by Penelope Barker met at what became known as the Edenton Tea Party on October 25, At the meeting, the 51 women agreed to boycott English Tea and English clothing.
On April 19, 1775, The British marched from Boston to Concord, Massachusetts to seize weapons being gathered by Patriots. The Battles of Lexington and Concord, took place, beginning the Revolutionary War. The Shot heard round the world
In April, 1775, Governor Josiah Martin dissolved the assembly, the last royal assembly to meet in North Carolina. North Carolina held the 2nd Provincial Congress,. King Governor CouncilAssembly Provincial Congress
In May, 1775, the Continental Congress met for the 2 nd time, with the Battles of Lexington and Concord having already occurred. The continental army was created and was chosen as commander and chief of army. George Washington
On May 31, 1775, the Mecklenburg committee of safety adopted the Mecklenburg Resolves. It was a document issued by patriots from Mecklenburg county that suspended colonial laws and urged for independence from Great Britain. It was written on May 20 th, 1775.
Captain James Jack, who rode to Philadelphia and delivered the Mecklenburg Resolves to the Continental Congress.
In August, 1775, North Carolina held the 3rd Provincial Congress, and North Carolina was divided into 6 militia districts with 500 minutemen each.
On February 27th, 1776, Patriots met Loyalists at the Battle of Moore’s Creek Bridge. 1,100 patriots ambushed 1,600 loyalists crossing over Moore’s Creek. Approximately 50 loyalists were killed and 850 were captured. 1 patriot died.