Slide 1 Customer Satisfaction Monitoring 2015 Summary (April 15-Dec 15)
Slide 2 Monthly interviewing approach continued in order to record views closer to the customer experience. Sample size of 1,500 commissioned for Due to the corporate year end being moved to align with the calendar year from 2016, our standard annual 1500 sample size was completed over 8 months, with the sample size increased from 125 to 225 per month between August and December. Research captures the views of OTOR customers as well as those who have their case investigated in the Energy, Property and Communications sectors. The distribution by sector among those complaint was accepted for investigation is shown below. 74% of complaint accepted survey sample received an informal resolution, 26% a formal resolution. Survey approach Complaint accepted2015 sample composition 2014/15 caseload Energy70%75% Property5%1% Communications25%24%
Slide 3 Contact type Complaint not accepted for resolution Complaint resolved using informal resolution Complaint resolved using formal investigation Sector Energy Property Communications Touch points Telephone service Written communications Website use Flexible data set
Slide 4 Demographics of respondents by sector Energy (945)Property (62)Communications (493) * Denotes less than 0.5%
Slide 5 Overall satisfaction with handling of query has remained stable since 2014/15 Overall, how satisfied were you with the Ombudsman’s handling of your query? – all responses +1% -1% -3% 0% +2% 0% +2% % point change 2015
Slide 6 Key indicators * Area of Improvement2012/13 %2013/14 %2014/15 %2015 % 2015 Diff to 2014/15 %Base Speed of complaint handling54%47%56%61% +5% Complaint accepted Timings59%52%64%68% +4% Complaint accepted Timeliness of information by IO67%62%72%73% +1% Complaint accepted Efficiency of Process58%53%63%68% +5% Complaint accepted Clarity of process at initial contact71%70%77%78% +1% Complaint accepted IO perceived Authority63% 72%76% +4% Complaint accepted Understanding of the problem64% 74%75% +1% Complaint accepted Ease of using the Ombudsman Service 80% 85%83% -2% Complaint accepted Service was what was expected or better 70%67%77%73% -4% All (accepted and OTOR) Relevance of information given65%71%79%78% -1% Complaint accepted Readability of IO Reports77%82%83%84% +1% Complaint accepted Clarity on the Phone69%74%84%82% -2% Complaint accepted Dissatisfied with Redress/RemedyNA49%48%37% -11% Complaint accepted Total sample size: 1500 Complaint accepted sample size: 1203 Significantly more positive than 2014/15 Significantly less positive than 2014/15 * 12 waves compressed into 8 waves due to change in financial year end
Slide 7 Speed and timeliness
Slide 8 Speed of process - direction of travel is positive, with 5- percentage point increase in satisfaction Thinking about the process you went through in dealing with your query or complaint with, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with each of the following aspects?- Speed of the process (All whose case accepted) % point change +4% +2% -3% -1% -2% 0% +5% -3% 2015
Slide 9 Satisfaction with time taken for case to be resolved has increased by 4-percentage points since 2014/15 How satisfied were you with the time it took for the case to be resolved informally or for the ombudsman to reach a final decision from the time the Ombudsman had taken up your case? (All whose case accepted) % point change +3% +1% 0% -4% +4% -4% 2015
Slide 10 Timeliness of information provided by investigating officer remains in line with results in 2014/15 How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with each of the following aspects of the information you were given by the investigation officers during the complaint? - Timely/given when needed (All whose case accepted) % point change +2% -2% +1% -2% +1% -1% +1% -2% 2015
Slide 11 Service perceptions and performance against expectations
Slide 12 Overall satisfaction that the explanation of what to expect given at the start of the process is in line with 2014/15, however the proportion that state they are ‘very satisfied’ has increased by 4-percentage points Thinking about the process you went through in dealing with your query or complaint, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with each of the following aspects? - Explanation of what to expect given at the start of the process (All whose case accepted) % point change +4% -3% -2% +1% 0% <0.5% +1% +2% 2015
Slide 13 Perceived authority of investigating officer – positive shift of 4-percentage points in satisfaction This is info regarding the picture Thinking now about the investigation officers, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with each of the following aspects? - Their authority - confident that they had the authority to deal with the problem (All whose case accepted) +5% -1% -2% -3% 0% +1% +4% -2% % point change 2015
Slide 14 Perceptions of understanding of problem by investigating officer is static compared to 2014/15 This is info regarding the picture Thinking now about the investigation officers at Sector, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with each of the following aspects?- Their understanding of your problem - knowing what you were talking about (All whose case accepted) +2% 0% -2% -1% +2% 0% +1% % point change 2015
Slide 15 Satisfaction with the efficiency of process has improved by 5-percentage points since 2014/15 Thinking about the process you went through in dealing with your query or complaint, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with each of the following aspects? - Efficiency of the process (All whose case accepted) +4% +1% -2% 0% +5% -3% % point change 2015
Slide 16 Ease of using Ombudsmen Services is similar to 2014/15 Would you say that using an Ombudsmen service was…? 2015
Slide 17 The proportion who state that the overall service received was as expected or better has declined by 5-percentage points since 2014/15 Would you say the service you received was…? 2015
Slide 18 Satisfaction with outcome achieved has risen from 57% to 63% year on year And overall, how satisfied were you with the outcome? (Where complaint accepted) 2014/15 57% 67% 34% 57% 62% 41% 45% % point change +6% 0% -1% 0% -3%
Slide 19 When considering the outcome achieved by Ombudsman Services 36% felt it was worse than expected compared to 22% who thought it was better Would you say the outcome you received was? (All whose case accepted) 2014/15 % Better % points change 22%0% 25%0% 15%-12% 16%-1% 27%-1% 12%-3%
Slide 20 Written and verbal clarity
Slide 21 Overall satisfaction with the relevance of information given has remained stable, however the proportion that state they are ‘very satisfied’ has increased by 4-percentage points since 2014/15 How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with each of the following aspects of the information you were given by the investigation officers during the complaint? - It was personalised and relevant to your query (All whose case accepted) 2015 % point change +4% -4% -1% 0% +1% 0% -1% +1%
Slide 22 Satisfaction with the readability of reports is static overall since 2014/15 How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with each of the following aspects of the investigating officer's report?- readability (Where received report) 2015 % point change +1% -1% 0% +2% -1% +1% +2%
Slide 23 Satisfaction with the clarity on phone of investigating officers has remained in line with 2014/15, as has dissatisfaction Thinking now about the investigation officers, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with each of the following aspects? - Their clarity on the phone - you understood what they told you over the phone 2015 % point change +2% -4% 0% +1% -2% +2%
Slide 24 Specific feedback on mediation and negotiation
Slide 25 Four fifths (81%) of those who experienced mediation/negotiation approach were satisfied with this approach, which has improved by 6- percentage points since 2014/15 How satisfied were you with [Ombudsman’s] attempts to resolve your complaint in this way through mediation/negotiation? (All who had informal resolution) Sample base: 2015: /15:832 If satisfied with outcome 95% satisfied with these attempts. If dissatisfied with outcome same proportion is 27%.
Slide 26 Views on mediation / negotiation process are generally in line with 2014/15, however the proportion that state that the negotiations led to a final agreement or solution has improved by 10-percentage points since 2014/15 And how strongly would you agree with the following statements about the mediation/negotiation process? (All who informal resolution) 2014/15 % 78% 83% 41% 81% 70% Sample base: 2015: /15:832
Slide 27 Outcomes and Redress/Remedy
Slide 28 Satisfaction with the remedy recommended has increased by 10- percentage and dissatisfaction has fallen by 11-percentage points since 2014/15 How satisfied were you with the member company's response to the remedy recommended by Ombudsman Services? 2015 % point change +5% +6% +1% 0% -11% -1% +10% -11%
Slide 29 Written Reports
Slide 30 All perceptions of the written reports from investigating officers have remained in line with 2014/15 How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with each of the following aspects of the investigating officer's report? (Where recall receiving report) Sample base: /15 Satisfied % points change 73%+2% 74%+1% 83%+1% 68%-1%
Slide 31 Similarly, perceptions of the report recommendations are static Sample base: 798 To what extent do you agree that the report's recommendations were? (Where recall receiving report) 2013/14 Satisfied % points change 69%+1% 68%-1% 67%-1%
Slide 32 Website
Slide 33 Proportion that have used the relevant Ombudsman Services website has increased by 4-percentage points since 2014/15 Have you used the (relevant Ombudsman’s) website? (All responses) 57% used website before telephoning enquiry line compared to 61% in 2014/15
Slide 34 Satisfaction with the look of the website and the ease of navigating the website have both decreased by 5-percentage points since 2014/15 Satisfied 2015 Satisfied 2014/15% point change The look of the website 65%69%-5% Ease of navigating/finding your way around the website 67%72%-5% The information available on the website 70%73%-3% How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with each of the following aspects of the (Sector's) website? (All users)
Slide 35 A positive direction of travel is evident on several key indicators, suggesting strengthening customer service. Alongside this, dissatisfaction with the redress/remedy from the company in question has fallen (-11% points). The key indicator to become significantly less positive compared to 2014/15 is in relation to service being as expected or better (-4% points). Those using services of Ombudsman Services Energy continue to commonly express more positive views. This is encouraging given that these cases represent the largest proportion of the caseload. As in previous years, the greater representation of informal resolution cases within the Energy sample base should be noted. While this is a reflection of the cases in this sector, this is likely to boost the ratings given on the basis that we know those receiving this service tend to be more positive. Mediation /negotiation approach – four fifths of those experiencing this approach were satisfied with it. More specifically the proportion who felt the negotiations led to a final agreement or solutions has increased by 10% points since 2014/15. Key findings(1)
Slide 36 Delivery against expectations 49% found that using Ombudsman Services was easier than expected 34% would say that the service was better that expected 22% would say that the they outcome received was better than expected Only for outcomes is the proportion saying that reality was worse than expected greater than the proportion saying it was better (36% cf. 22%). Information and communication Both written reports and verbal communication are still received positively by the majority of respondents. With respondents being satisfied with the readability of the written reports and also satisfied with the clarity of the investigation officer on the phone. Among website users, perceptions of the look of the website and the ease of navigating have declined by 5% points since 2014/15. Key findings (2)
Slide 37 Steve Handley Research Director