Md : Moazzem Hossain (Bahalul) Assistant Headmaster Kachia ShahamotherSecondary School Mobile: Bhola Sadar, Bhola
Subject: English 1 st Paper Class: six Birds of Bangladesh (Blackheaded Oriole) Time: 40 minutes, Date: 12/02/13
* fill in the blank with own words. Learning Outcome: * answer the question. After the lesson the students will be able to- * choose the best answer. * make sentence from sub. table.
Blackheaded Oriole (Benebau) Blackheaded Oriole (Benebau)
A. Read the passage from your text.
1.Choose the best answer: a. “It tools like a Mayna”- Here the word ‘like’ means--- i) similar toii) such as iii) loveiv) familiar to b. ‘Fauna’ means--- i) birdsii) animals of the whole world iii) animals of a particular area iv) soil, forests and flowres c. The Blackheaded Oriole is 25cm--- i) long ii) wide iii) highiv) length d. Benebau lives in the --- shaped nest? i) round ii) square iii) triangleiv) oval e. There is a similarity between--- i) crow and Mayna ii) Benebau and Eagle iii) blackheaded Oriole and Mayna iv) Benebar and Blackheaded Oriole
f. Benebau lives in ---land. i) highii) plain iii) hillyiv) rocky g. Bangladesh is a --- country. i) plentifulii) full iii) pooriv) resourceful h. What is known as Blackheaded Oriole? i) Benebauii) Mayna iii) Crowiv) Eagle i. Blackheaded Oriole is a ---bird. i) restless ii) quiet iii) naughty iv) nice j. The Bangladesh are --- of their country. i) hateii) rich iii) proudiv) pride k. Benebau does not live in a place--- i) temporarilyii) permanently iii) forever iv) shortly
2. Read the passage again and answer the following questions: a. Why are the Bangladeshi proud of their country? b. What is meant by natural resources? c. What is known as “Benebau? d. What is the colour of its body? e. Do you like the call of Benebau? Why? f. Which bird looks like Benebau? g. Where else can we find this bird? h. How is the nature of the bird? i. How does it build its nest? j. Do you think the Blackheaded Oriole play an important role in nature? Why?
3. Read the passage again and fill in the blanks with your own words. Bangladesh is (a) – country. We are proud of our (b) –. Bangladesh is (c) – with variety of wild animals. (d) – is of one of them. One of the (e) – bird is “Benebar”. In English it is called (f) –. It (g) – in the plain land. It can be found in some (h) – countries. It builds (i) –to live in and (j) – eggs to breed.
The Blackheaded Oriole (a)—a bird of the (b)–land of Bangladesh. Its body and head are of a (c)–yellow colour; (d)—throat, its tail and some (e)–of its wings are black; its (f)—is red. It looks like a (g)– and is about 25 cm in (h)—. It is (i)—in Bangladesh, India, Srilanka, Mayanmar and some other (j)—. Or. Read the passage again and fill in the blanks with your own words.
The Blackheaded Oriole is a very (a)—and restless bird. It never (b)—at one spot for long. It (c)– all kinds of (d)– and insects. Its (e)–is quite sweet and (f)—. The Blackheaded Oriole (g)—round shaped beautiful nests with (h)– grass and barks of trees. Both the male and the female bird (i)—in building their nests. The blackheaded Oriole (j)– two to three eggs at a time. Or. Read the passage again and fill in the blanks with your own words.
4. Make five sentences from the substitution table. livesBlackheaded Oriole in English. Benebauarebuilt with dry grass and barks of trees. Itisin round shaped nests. The nestsresemblesa beautiful bird. the mayna, another familiar bird of Bangladesh.
isa very sprightly and restless bird. It neverat one spot for long eatsall kinds of worms and insects. Itsround shaped beautiful nests. take partin building their nests. laystwo to three eggs at a time. Or. Make five sentences from the substitution table.
Thanks a lot