Baroque Period
What Does Baroque Mean? From Portuguese – Barroco Extravagantly Ornate Fancy Florid
Baroque Background 13 American Colonies East India Trading Company The Mayflower
The Times Science Sir Isaac NewtonGalileo GalileiRené Descartes
William Gilbert ( ) Properties of electricity Sir William Harvey ( ) Circulation of the blood Robert Boyle ( ) Chemistry
Politics – Age of Absolute Monarchs Charles II of England Frederick II of Prussia Louis XIV of France Phillip IV of Spain
Baroque Art
Visual Arts Architecture In the Renaissance: simple, straight lines and detail Bramante – St. Peter’s CathedralBrunelleschi – Florence Cathedral
In the Baroque: ornate, extravagant, showy St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican Palace of Versailles, Paris
Painting Emotionally charged Dramatic subjects Contrast; play between light and shadow
Sculpture Strong light and dark contrasts Dramatic tension Subjects are never still but moving, struggling, twisted Gian Lorenzo Bernini Self-Portrait Louis XIV
The Doctrine of Affections Music Brings On Emotions:
Baroque Musical Style Combination of Old and New Basso Continuo Chords, Dissonance, and Chromaticism
Composers used mixed groups of instruments to perform works of great complexity. Music was no longer only functional, it was made to be enjoyed as it’s own entity. Composers began to search for inspiration for their compositions in not only the church, but in nature. Baroque music is very similar to jazz in it’s use of improvisation and figured bass.
Baroque Musical Style Regular / Flexible Rhythm Improvisation during Performance Modal & Tonal
Background: Opera Forerunners: Greek Plays Renaissance Plays Madrigal Cycles
Early Opera Recitative Monteverdi
Developments in Opera Venice Public Opera House More Solo Singing Less Instruments Teatro San Cassiano
George Frideric Handel Aria No Chorus Singing Giulio Cesare Act II, scenes 1 and 2
English Opera Influenced by Handel Henry Purcell Dido and Aeneas
Baroque Instrumental Music Sonata ABA FORM Exposition Development Recapitulation Arcangelo Corelli Corelli’s Style Trio Sonata, Op 3, No. 2
Baroque Instrumental Music Concerto Solo Instrument with Orchestra Vivaldi Violin Concerto in a minor 1680
Baroque Instrumental Music Suite Set of pieces put together in one work Many composers France, England and Germany Suite for brass trio by Handel
German Suite Differences from English and French Composer: Dietrich Buxtehude Praeludium in E Major, Bux WV 141
Johaan Sebastian Bach Life Parents Ambrose Maria Family were all musicians
Johaan Sebastian Bach Church Organist and Choir Director in Leipzig, Germany Wrote For: Organ Harpsichord Orchestra Cantatas
Johaan Sebastian Bach Prelude and Fugue Prelude – the main musical idea of a piece of music. Presented first. Fugue – the development of that musical idea. Usually very complicated. Presented immediately following the Prelude Bach’s Prelude and Fugue in A minor
Baroque Literature ShakespeareMiltonCervantes
French Opera Based in tradition Jean-Baptiste Lully Armide
Baroque Sciences Francis Bacon Scientific Method Galileo Galilei Famous Astronomer Isaac Newton Famous Physicist