2004 Olympic Poster Competition You Be the Judge!
How to be an Art Judge Is it original work? That means the artist didn’t copy or have help from another person. They did thought of it themselves.
Does the Artist use the principals of art well? Remember the principals of art are: –Emphasis: It makes an part or object in an art piece stand out –Balance: Arranging elements so that no one part of a work overpowers, or seems heavier than any other part. –Rhythm: Shows movement by the repetition of elements. Rhythm can make an artwork seem active. –Contrast: Shows differences in an artwork by combining elements to create interest. Contrast can break up the repitition. –Movement: Using elements to show action or physical change in position. –Harmony: Arranging elements and principals to create a quality of wholeness or oneness giving a feeling that the work is completed.
How to use your rating form. Rate the art piece on each of the items on your form with a 0,1, 2, or 3. 0= the item does not seem to be there 1= the artist tried, but the item is not used well. 2= the artist shows use of the item, but it’s use could be more effective. 3= the artist uses the item, and uses it very effectively.
How well do you personally like the Poster? 0= I don’t like it at all 1= I don’t like it much, but there are some things that are OK 2= I like it, but wouldn’t buy it. 3= I love it, I want it on my bedroom wall!
Now, Judge the following 2004 Olympic Poster entries.
Sailboat Racing
Mile run