1. A student is studying about changing states of matter during a science investigation. In the investigation, they are using a hotplate and boiling water in a beaker. What safety issues should be considered when using this set-up? Why?
Answer: When working with a hotplate, you should always wear safety goggles. You would also need some type of hand protection for removing the beaker from the hotplate.
#2 Your family is going to the beach over Spring Break. What are three safety precautions that should be taken before you explore and observe plant and animal life on the beach.
#2 Answer Answers could include: -Check the weather forecast -Wear appropriate foot protection -Wear clothing to protect against sun exposure -Apply sunscreen -Follow the posted rules at the beach
#3 Which of the following statements would contribute to a safe and successful science investigation: A.Read the investigation/instructions thoroughly. B.Taste and smell substances before using them in an investigation. C.Check materials list to make sure all materials are available. D.Wear goggles only when your eyes become irritated. E.Keep the lab area clean and uncluttered.
#3 Answer: A. Read the investigation/instructions thoroughly. C. Check materials list to make sure all materials are available. E. Keep the lab area clean and uncluttered.
#4 List at least four things that you should never do when working with electricity.
#4 Answers Responses can include (but not limited to): -Stick a foreign object into an outlet -Use electrical appliances when your body is wet. -Use a worn-out electrical cord. -Plug too many cords into one outlet. -Fly a kite near a power line. -Go near a fallen power line. -Say outdoors when lightning is occurring.
#5 In order to conserve natural resources, students should________________________. A.Recycle paper to save trees B.Turn off the lights when leaving a room C.Turn off the water faucets when you are not using them D.All of the above
#5 Answer: D.All of the above What are some other ways that you can conserve natural resources??
#6 What tools should be used when measuring the following things? (meter stick, centimeter ruler, balance scale) 1. The length of your pencil 2. The width of your classroom 3. The mass of an apple
#6 Answer: 1.Length of your pencil=Centimeter ruler 2.Width of classroom=Meter stick 3.Mass of apple=Balance scale What else could you measure with these tools??
#7 What is a hypothesis? Can either of the following hypotheses be tested? “The mass of chewing gum increases the longer it is chewed” “Sugar-free gum has a better flavor than sugared gum”
#7 Answer A hypothesis is an educated guess. The hypothesis “The mass of chewing gum increases the longer it is chewed” can be tested because this is something that a person could actually measure with a balance scale. The hypothesis “Sugar-free gum has a better flavor than sugared gum” cannot be tested because this a purely an opinion. It cannot be measured in any way.
#8 What is the length of the candy below?
#8 Answer Four centimeters You must count the centimeters between two and six, which will be four.
#9 Angela came home from school one day and found that all of the ice in her freezer had melted. What could Angela assume about the temperature inside the freezer?
#9 Answer If all of the ice had melted, the temperature in the freezer had to be above the freezing point temperature which is 0 degrees Celsius. If the freezing point of water is 0, what is the boiling point??
#10 Carly woke up one morning and looked out her window. In the sky, she noticed a beautiful rainbow. What can Carly infer about the weather that morning??
#10 Answer In order for a rainbow to be seem, you must have water in the atmosphere and the Sun shining from behind the person looking at the rainbow. Carly could infer that it had rained earlier that morning. What does it mean to infer???
#11 What is erosion? Does erosion occur quickly or slowly? Give an example of erosion that you have seen.
#11 Answer Erosion is the act of moving sediment from one location to another. This happens because of forces such as wind and water. Erosion takes several hundreds of years to occur. It is a slow process.
#12 Explain weathering. What is the end product of weathering?
#12 Answer Weathering is the process of breaking down larger rocks into smaller pieces. The end result of weathering is the creation of soil.
#13 Answer Product S would be the best choice for someone looking for Low Fat and Low Sodium. The correct answer choice is C
#14 Answer The correct answer is A By looking at the graph, you can tell that a peach does contain a lower percentage of water than lettuce. A peach contains 80% water while lettuce is 95% water.
#15 What is the mass of these rocks?
#15 Answer The mass of the rocks is 17 grams. You can figure this out by adding all three of the numbers together on the slides. You have: =17 grams
#16 What is wrong with this model?
#16 Answer The following things are wrong: 1.The Sun and moon do not revolve around the Earth. 2.The moon orbits the Earth only. 3.The Earth is not the center of the universe, the sun is. 4.The Earth revolves around the Sun.
#17 Answer The correct answer choice is: G. The nutritional information The only way to prove that the cereal is the healthiest choice is to look at the nutritional information to see what is in the cereal.
#18 Several exotic fish are living in the Dallas Aquarium. Although these fish are healthy, the aquarium has several limitations. What are some of these limitations and how might these limitations affect the behavior of the fish?
#18 Answer The limitations include: -a smaller size than their natural environment -unbalanced predator/prey relationships -limited hunting for food (people feed them)
#19 Draw a model of the solar system. What is good about your model? What is not good about your model?
#20 A student is wanting to do a scientific investigation. The only piece of equipment that he can find is a camera. What kind of experiment could he do using a camera as a scientific tool?
#21 Which of the following tools can be used to collect and analyze data in a scientific investigation? -Calculator-Magnets -Hand lens-Collecting Net -Microscope-Sound Recorder -Compass-Computer -Hot plate-Camera
#21 Answer ALL of the items can be used to collect and analyze data.
#22 Which of the following tools could be used for measurement? -Ruler-Meter Stick -Thermometer-Safety Goggles -Balance Scale-Stopwatch
#22 Answer All of the items can be used for measurement EXCEPT for the safety goggles. The goggles are used as a way to protect someone’s eyes, not to measure something.