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“Open Access” in 3 minutes Produced Original (Japanese) version by Hyogo University of Teacher Education Illustration: Tomoyo Iwamoto 2 / 16 Picture card show
In October 2011, Professor Taro Kura of Kanazawa University published a research paper that made a huge impact on the world. 3 / 16 What ?
Succeeds in making a kite to breed a hawk for the first time in the world!! ※ A fictitious paper. 4 / 16
Research is quite costly. This research was conducted using funding from the national government. 5 / 16 This is research funding.
By the way, the founding is originally from our tax money. 6 / 16
However, we common people were not able to read the paper for free. We had to subscribe to the famous American journal in which the paper appeared. 7 / 16 How much?
Research institutions including universities subscribe to such scholarly journals for researchers. However, ordinary people who do not belong to research institutions cannot read these journals. Additionally, poorly-resourced universities can no longer maintain subscription costs that increase year by year. 8 / 16 NO KIDDING! Can you give me discount?
For example, Kanazawa university canceled its subscription to the journal in 2000, so Professor Kura was not able to read his own paper in his university library. 9 / 16 “403 Forbidden”………
In this way, the problem in which researchers cannot easily access their research outputs got worse. 10 / 16 W,Why? Why dose such a thing happen?
Researchers are motivated by a desire to publish their papers in renowned journals. That is not a problem. 11 / 16 Publish or Perish researcher
12 / 16 The problem is that such journals are so expensive that only a limited number of people can read them.
Commercial publishers use their bland power to sell journals at high price. In defiance, a movement began to put control of research outputs back in researchers' hands. 13 / 16
What is the Open Access movement A movement aimed at free online access to scholarly articles, etc. It is divided into two main currents, as follows: 1.Publishing of free online journals with brand power 2.Promotion of self-archiving 14 / 16
In response to this trend, many publishers now admit authors' rights to make their articles freely accessible online by uploading (self-archive) them onto the server of their affiliate institutions. 15 / 16 You can self- archive at your university Really?
Professor Kura registered his paper in our university’s IR, KURA. This allowed anyone in the world to freely access the paper. Tombi ga Taka wo umu wake naidaro. 16 / 16 ※ A fictitious paper.
Please contact IR staff of the Scholarly Information Team if you are affiliated with the university and interested in online publication of your research outputs. TEL: