Steps to World War II EQ1 What were the key events, ideas, and individuals that contributed to the start of WWII?
Introduction “lebensraum”
Step 1: Rebuilding the German Military
Give an example of Hitler rebuilding the German military? How did Germany justify this rebuilding?
Step 2: Militarizing the Rhineland
Why would the German military not be allowed to be in the Rhineland?
Step 3: Annexing Austria
Why did Hitler want to annex Austria?
Step 4: Czechoslovakia and Appeasement
What similarities did Austria and Czechoslovakia share that Hitler annexed them? What was appeasement and what was the result for Czechoslovakia? If you were Hitler how would you have interpreted British appeasement to your actions?
Step 5: The Axis Forms
Step 6: The Spanish Civil War
Step 7: The Nonaggression Act
Question Why would Germany and the USSR both want territory in Eastern Europe?
Treaty of Versailles 1. Germany had to accept the Blame for starting the war (Clause 231). 2. Germany had to pay £6,600 million (called Reparations) for the damage done during the war. 3. Germany was forbidden to have submarines or an air force. She could have a navy of only six battleships, and an Army of just 100,000 men. In addition, Germany was not allowed to place any troops in the Rhineland, the strip of land, 50 miles wide, next to France. 4. Germany lost Territory (land) in Europe (see map). Germany’s colonies were given to Britain and France.