+ Do Now: 1. Where are germs most commonly found? 2. How are colds and flus passed from person to person? 3. When should you use soap and water vs. hand sanitizer to wash your hands? 4. How many seconds should you spend washing your hands?
+ Hand Washing and Infection Control September 17, 2013
+ Germs are Everywhere
+ Think about it…. Borrow a pencil Turn a doorknob Talk on the phone Shake hands/high five Touch a ball Use a computer
+ Top 7…. 1. Money 2. Light switch/door knobs 3. Computer keyboard 4. Cell phone 5. Toilet seat 6. Remote Control 7. Bathtub
+ Modes of transmission parent to child Ex: sperm, placenta, milk, or during birth Person-to-person spread of infection through one or more of the following routes: Direct or indirect contact Common vehicle (via food, water, blood, saliva) Airborne Vector-borne (via ticks, mosquitos)
+ Hepatitis A
+ Hameophilius Patient with Conjunctiva (Pink Eye)
+ Salmonella Patient infected with Salmonella Where is it? Raw food of animal origin, meat, poultry, milk and dairy products, eggs, seafood, and some fruits and vegetables Prevention: 1.Clean 2.Separate 3.Cook 4.Chill
+ Shigella Patient with diarrhea
+ Staphlococcus Patients with Staph infection (MRSA) Boils or Pimples
+ Streptococcous Streptococcal Pneumonia Strep Throat
+ How to prevent the spread of GERMS WASH YOUR HANDS Do NOT cough/ sneeze into your hands Do NOT put your finger in your nose, mouth, or eyes \
+ When should you wash your hands? Before preparing or eating food After going to the bathroom Before and after caring for or playing with someone who is sick After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing After taking out the trash Before and after treating a wound If your hands look dirty
+ How to Wash your Hands Rub your hands together under warm water Apply soap and rub hands with soap for at least 20 seconds (Happy Birthday) Wash your hands, wrists, and fingernails. Rinse with water thoroughly Dry with a clean towel or air dry
+ What are some things I should avoid regarding hand washing? DON'T use a single damp cloth to wash a group of children's hands. DON'T use a standing basin of water to rinse hands. DON'T use a common hand towel. Always use disposable towels.
+ Hand Sanitizer *Wash hands with soap and water after: 5-10 applications of hand sanitizer OR if hands are visibly dirty
+ How Clean are your Hands?