MERCREDI, le 3 octobre C’est la vie!
French 1French 1 TESTS ARE GRADED & are on GRADESPEED! Game day! Play games on my website on French 1 page. After 20 min or so, once I confirm all items are in, we’ll play another game with Madame! Tomorrow/Friday: “The Triplettes of Belleville” movie. Re-Takes: Wed. p.m. until 3:15, Thurs. 6:45, Thurs. until 3:15, NO EARLIER & NO LATER. You will have 40 minutes. You MUST schedule your appointment TODAY! I will NOT be here Friday!
French 3French 3 Finish “Polite Packet” Check in Projects-80% Poem oral grade Demain: Film---Jean du Valette. Sub Friday!
French 2French 2 CHECK IN PROJECTS FOR 80% FINISH “Polite Packet” FINISH ORAL GRADE “La Marseillaise”. Movie Thurs/Fri: “Les Choristes”