세계지역경제론 =
Introduction Date of establishment on December 8, 1985 Cooperating economy, Politics, Agriculture, Health. Etc.. 8 Countries and 9 Obsevers and GDP 3%, Population 1.6 trillion(23%)
Member Countries of SAARC
Why was SAARC established? SAARC
Purpose of SAARC To promote the welfare of the peoples of south Asia and to improve their quality of life To accelerate economic Growth, Social Progress and Cultural Development in the region To strengthen cooperation among the member states in international forum on matters of common interest To promote active collaboration and mutual assistance in the economic, social, cultural, technical and scientific fields
History of SAARC 1970 late - SAARC Creation of a trade block Idea of Regional Cooperation 1985 – Aug, SSARC Foundation Afghanistan joined 2006 – USA, South Korea and EU request as Observer History 2008 – Iran requested obervers status and Followed others 2010 – 28~29 April, 16 th Summits, Bhutanrs 2011 – 10~11 Nov, 17 th Summits, Maldives 1985 – 7~8 Dec, 1 th Summits, Bangladesh 16th Summit Afghanistan joins
Biotechnology Culture Economic and Trade Education Science and Technology Security Aspects Tourism Environment Finance Health People-to-People Contacts Energy Social Development Communication and Media
Health SAARC Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS Centre (S TAC) SAARCEducation UNESCO Cooperation SAARC 2009.
Agriculture Exchanging Germplasm, Breeding M aterials on Livestock and Fishery Genetic Engineering and Bio- TechnologyCommunications Mechanization of Postal Operations Financial Services Expedited Mail Service (EMS) Letter Writing Competitions
Environment Programs on environmentally sound land and water use planning Biodiversity management Assistance mechanism for disaster and re gional cooperation Women in Development SAARC Women's Journals Women's education and training Exhibitions on Handicrafts and Design by
17th Summit
GDPPer capita GDP Trade (Export/Import) Trade with Korea (Export/Import) India 15,38 (11) $1,203 (11) 5,96.2 (11) (2,45.5/ 3,50.7) 20.6(11) (12.68/ 7.89) Pakistan 1,74.8 (10) $1,030 (10) 54.4(10) (21.5/32.9) 1.56(11) (0.82/ 0.74) Bangladesh 113 (11) $678 (11) 37.5(10) (16.2/21.3) 1.87(11) (1.63/ 0.24 Sri Lanka 59.2 (11) $2,836 (11) 0.306(11) (0.104/0.202) 0.42(11) (0.34/ 0.08) Nepal 18.6 (11) $642 (11) 7.9(11) (1.7/6.2) 40million(11) (38million/ 2million) Afghanistan 18 (11) $588 (11) 7.87(10) (0.47/7.4) 0.12(11) (0.12/ 1.2) Bhutan 1.3 (10) $1,256 (09) 1.04(08) (0.51/ 0.53) 13million(10) (13million/ 0.02million) Maldives 1.48 (10) $4,770 (10) 1.16(10) (0.18/0.98) 5.82million (10) (4.57million/1.25million) Regional imbalance 83%, 87% 80% (unit: $Billion)
Political conflict
Build trade infrastruc ture Resolve a political conflict with neighboring countries Acceleration about economic liberalization SAFTA is future!
SAFTA-(South Asia Free Trade Agreem ent) Effected date : 06’ 1st. Jan Members : India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives, Afghanistan(2008)
Tariff reduction (2006~2016) a. Free trade area, 2010b. internal tax rate 0~5%, Decc. Against the trend of world block economic
Four years to compensate for tax revenues Five years to compensate for tax revenues Compensation and Technical assistance for LDCS
08’ 15th A summit conference 08’ Agreement to establish a SAARC food bank 10’ Establishmen t of University of South asia in New Delhi 11’ South Asia Forum 06’ SAFTA (South Asian Free Trade Area)
11’ South Asia Forum
Thank you for paying attention, any question?
1. "A Brief on SAARC." South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Charter of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation. 4. "South Asia: Afghanistan Joins World's Largest Regional Grouping 5. "SAARC to grant observer status to US, S Korea, EU." Hindustan Times "Cooperation with Observers". SSARC References