JONATHAN SWIFT Jonathan Swift was born in Dublin, Ireland, of an English family, which had important connections but little wealth. Through the generosity of an uncle, he was educated at Kilkenny Grammar School and then Trinity College in Dublin. Between 1689 and 1699 he worked as a private secretary to a distant kinship Sir William Temple, a retired diplomat. And there he also received a first-rate education in politics through contact with Temple and many other well-known politicians, learning much about hypocrisy,deception and corruption in the political world.
Swift’s Literary Position and Works Literary Position Swift is one of the greatest masters of English prose. Swift is a master satirist. Even today, he is still regarded as a national hero in Ireland. Gulliver’s Travels (1726), his greatest satiric work
What Is Satire? Humorous, witty Clever, sarcastic Criticizes event, person, group
Introduction to Gulliver’s Travels Jonathan’s best fictional work was published in 1726 Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World, by Samuel Gulliver. The book contains four parts, each dealing with one particular voyage during which Gulliver meets with extraordinary adventures on some remote island after he has met with shipwreck of piracy of some other misfortune.
Lemuel Gulliver Narrator of novel Middle-aged, middle class, British Intelligent, well-educated Naïve Unaffectionate to wife A doctor on a Royal Navy ship who washes up on the shores of several fictional countries. Upon returning to England, he is painfully aware of his country ’ s flaws.
Mrs. Mary Burton: Mrs. Mary Burton is Gulliver's wife. He only states her name at the beginning of the novel, and thereafter refers to her as his wife. She is mentioned only during his rare time in England.
Captain William Pritchard: Captain Pritchard is the head of the ship named Antelope. He controls Gulliver's first voyage in which a storm overtakes the ship, leaving Gulliver stranded on the strange land of Lilliput.
A VOYAGE TO LILLIPUT The first part tells about his experience in Lilliput The emperor believed himself to be the delight and terror of the universe, but it appeared quite absurd to Gulliver who was twelve times as tall as he. In his account of the two parties in the country, distinguished by the use of high and low heels. Religious disputes were laughed at in an account of a problem which divided the Lilliputians: “ Should eggs be broken at the big end or the little end?”
Main Characters Lilliputians Inhabit Lilliput Only 6 inches tall Prone to conspiracies and jealousies Emperor Ruler of the Lilliputians Despite small size, loves being in control, exercising his power, and his large palace
A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG Second Journey to Brobdingnag In the second part, Gulliver is left alone in Brobdingnag where people are not only ten times taller and larger than ordinary human beings, but also superior in wisdom. Gulliver now found himself a dwarf among men sixth feet in height. The king, who regarded Europe as if it were an anthill. Gulliver sold and used as a slave, mostly used for entertainment purposes Discusses history and policies of his native country with the King
Main Characters Brobdingnagians Giants that inhabit Brobdingnag Reasonable, gentle The Queen Sweet, kind Humorous, witty The King Intellectual, rational Does not know much about politics Glumdalclitch Nine year old daughter of farmer who finds Gulliver Becomes Gulliver’s friend and protector Moves to the castle with Gulliver
A VOYAGE TO LAPUTA, BALNIBARBI, LUGGNAGG, GLUBBDUBDRIB, AND JAPAN The third part deals with mainly with his accidental visit to the flying Island, where the philosophers and projectors devote all their time and energy to the study of some absurd problems. Their scientists are engaged in projects for exacting sunbeams out of cucumbers, turning ice into gunpowder and making cloth from cobweb.
Laputans Inhabitants of the flying island of Laputa which has diameter of 7837 yards. Munodi A Lord who lives in Lagado the metropolis of Balnibari Professors of various academies who take up Gulliver's suggestions Governor of Glubbdubdrib Struldbruggs who offer eternal life but become progressively senile in doing so. Maldonada A port Guldubdribb land of sorcerers Glangluenstand port of embarkation from Luggnagg Xamoschi landfall in Japan Nangasac where he meets Captain Theodorus Vangrult with whom he sailed back to England.
A VOYAGE TO THE COUNTRY OF THE Houynhms Final Journey to the Country of the Houyhnhnms Horses rule the deformed Yahoos Gulliver banished from their society Feel he is a threat to their civilization Aware he has a resemblance to a Yahoo
Summary of Last Book The last part is a most interesting account of his discoveries in the Houyhnhnm land, where horses are endowed with reason and all good and admirable qualities, and are the governing class. Contrary to the Houyhnhnms, the Yahoos possess every conceivable evil. They are malicious, spiteful, envious, unclean and greedy. Gulliver admires the life and ways of the horses, as much as he is disgusted with the Yahoos, whose relations remind him of those existing in English society to such a degree that he shudders at the prospect of returning to his native.
Main Characters Yahoos Yahoo’s an uncouth human like race Dirty, hairy, primitive, but humanlike Many different kinds Blonde, redheaded, dark-haired Servants of Houyhnhnms Houyhnhnms A horse-like race who rule over the unruly Live in peaceful, simple society Rule with reason and truthfulness Do not even have the word “lie” in their vocabulary
Daily Writing # 6 Why do you think Swift makes the Lilliput and Brobdingnag completely opposite from each other? What is he trying to prove?
Themes Might vs. Right Question of whether physical power or moral righteousness should be governing factor of social life. The Individual vs. Society Explores the idea of Utopia and the power of the individual against society. The Limits of Human Understanding The idea that humans are not meant to know everything and that all understanding has a natural limit.
Motifs Reoccurring structures, contrasts, and literary devices that can help to develop and inform the text’s major themes Excrement Foreign Languages Clothing
The end of the novel The author takes his last leave of the reader; proposes his manner of living for the future; gives good advice, and concludes.
Daily Writing #7 If you could physically dominate everyone around you would you? What would be the benefits and drawbacks to your decision?
Reading Questions Gulliver’s Travels takes the form of several different voyages. Why does Swift Choose this style for his story? What does Swift do to make the situation with the Lilliputians seem believable? Explain From First impressions, how would you describe the Lilliputians as a group and society? Who could you compare them to? Gulliver could easily destroy the Lilliputians. Why does he choose not to? Explain
Daily Writing #8 Is it important to be accepted by society? Why or why not?
Reading Questions Who is Reldresal and why is he important to the story? The different games that the emperors court play (tight rope,limbo etc) are satirically ridiculing what aspect of government? What is ironic about the praise of the emperor in lines ? What has Gulliver become to the Emperor and to the people of Lilliput? Do you think it is okay for them to use him this way?
Daily Writing #9 According to what we have read so far, explain why Part 1 of Gulliver’s Travels is a satire? What is it ridiculing?
Reading Questions What are the nine parts of the contract that Gulliver is asked to agree to? Who are the Tramecksans and the Slamecksans? How do the two parties distinguish themselves? The Tramecksans and the Slamecksans are meant to satirize who in the British society? Explain the Egg Breaking Controversy. How do they plan on using Gulliver to solve the problem with the war against Blefescu?
Daily Writing #10 What do you think Swift is satirically criticizing with the Lilliputians war with Blefescu?
Daily Writing # 11 From what we have discussed so far, what do we know about the Brobdinganians?
Reading Questions How does Gulliver end up by himself in Brobdingnag? In the chaos that follows, what realization about human’s perception of themselves and their way of life does Gulliver make? What is going on with the Brobdinganians when they first see Gulliver? How does this prove Gulliver’s original assumptions about him wrong? Gulliver starts to realize a lot of the problems the Lilliputians had with him, he is now having with the Brobdinganians. What are the issues he is having?
How does Gulliver end up by himself in Brobdingnag? His ship is blown off course and they find an island that they go ashore to look for drinking water. Gulliver is separated from the others and when he returns, he sees his ship being chased off by a giant. He then hides and realized he is now abandoned and an island inhabited by Giants.
In the chaos that follows, what realization about human’s perception of themselves and their way of life does Gulliver make? Gulliver is saying that people are great and powerful only in comparison to people or places smaller than them. He realizes that all people are small and relatively insignificant and have an inflated sense of self worth and importance.
What is going on with the Brobdinganians when they first see Gulliver? How does this prove Gulliver’s original assumptions about him wrong? When they first see him they study his apperance and try to effectively communicate with him. They are gentle in talking and handling Gulliver. Gulliver originally thought they were mean, blood thirsty Giants that were going to eat him or bring him harm. In reality, they are very gentle and caring people who take good care of him.
Gulliver starts to realize a lot of the problems the Lilliputians had with him, he is now having with the Brobdinganians. What are the issues he is having? There is a language barrier and a sound barrier. Not only do they speak a different language, the volume and size of the Brobinganians make it hard to communicate. The fact that they are so physically dominate over him, that the smallest tasks now seem to be overwhelming and tiresome.
Daily Writing # 12 In comparison to his time in Lilliput, what difficulties in communication and living are similar to his time in Brobdingnag?