ISO50001 in Practice Michael Clancy FDT Consulting Engineers & Project Managers
Brief Introduction Process Engineer with 16 years experience in Beverage, Food, Dairy and Healthcare Industries Involved in Resource Efficiency since 2001 EPA CGPP & SEAI Energy Management Systems Technical Assessor since 2007 – 41 Sites Energy Efficient Design Specialist Background in Asset Care and Projects Michael Clancy
Highlights of ISO50001 Focus on Energy PERFORMANCE improvement Energy Performance to be considered during Design, Implementation, Operation and Maintenance Management Commitment Energy Performance Resources Energy Management TEAM Identify, Prioritise & Record Opportunities – designated responsibility, timeframe and method of verification
Energy Planning Process
Review – Energy Usage Map
EnPIs Meaningful Sufficient Detail to be of use Monitored EnPIs owned by those who influence them Benchmarking- Internal & External
Energy Baseline Based on information in the initial energy review. Suitable reference data period. Future energy performance tracked against baseline. Baseline must be updated in the event of change to processes, operating patterns or energy systems.
Projects – Design & Procurement Operations, Projects and Procurement are key stakeholders in Energy Efficient Design Procurement Criteria for Products, Equipment & Services – Life Cycle
Monitoring, Measurement & Analysis Metering (make use of existing data sources) Energy Measurement Plan- Appropriate to Size & Complexity of Organisation Data Accurate & Repeatable- records of calibration/verification Response to deviations from expected Energy Performance
Operational Control/Competence Establish and set Effective Operation & Maintenance Criteria Operate in Accordance with Criteria Communicate to Staff & Contractors Competence of Staff & Contractors
ISO50001 in Practice Energy Performance Improvement becomes part of everyone’s objectives Organisations save money by structured approach to Energy Management
Irish Experience since 2006 LIEN (1995) 160 Companies 14.5% of IRL Primary Energy €1bn Energy IS393 Launched 2005-Rapid take up by LIEN EAP 60 Companies Implemented EN16001 80 Companies – EAP ISO50001 11% of IRL Primary Energy Use ISO50001 EAP Members average 3.6% savings year on year due to EnMS (higher than LIEN only) SME & Public Sector Energy Map- ISO50001 Approach High Level of Expertise Developed In-Company Implementation Services Software
ISOTC242 Meeting & SEAI Event TC242 Meeting- developing next wave of standards: Dublin, Ireland 30 th April-3 rd May Guidance for EnMS Implementation EnMS Auditing Baselines and EnPIs Monitoring and Verification Energy Auditing SEAI Conference, 4 th May, Dublin, Ireland : “Creating the Right Environment for ISO50001 to Thrive”
FDT Information Resource Efficiency – Energy, Water, Product Active in EnMS since assessments and implementations ISO50001 Technical Assessors Training Course London 15 th /16 May 2012 Partner Companies: (IE) or (UK)