Jonathan Swift (1667 – 1745) The Most Foolish of Fools
Biography The fool was born in Dublin, Ireland. It graduated from Trinity College in 1686, and then moved to England. It wrote a lot of poems and essays, but burned most of them. Most of its work that survived is very satirical.
Major Works Gulliver’s Travels – Prose, 1726 Many satirical essays, the most prominent being “A Modest Proposal,” in which it suggests that the majority of babies be killed and eaten for economic purposes. Many obscure poems, including “The Day of Judgement.”
Death It died a much anticipated death on October 19, It wrote its own epitaph, which was poorly translated into English: Swift has sailed into his rest. Savage indignation there cannot lacerate his breast. Imitate him if you dare, world-besotted traveller. He served human liberty.