The Paleolithic Age Or The Old Stone Age Food Supply, Shelter, Weapons, Communities, Art
Paleolithic Life Paleo – old;Lithic - stone Survival of the fittest Got food by hunting large game – bison, wooly mammoth, deer, birds Seasons brought and took away food (animals)
Tools and Weapons In the Paleolithic age, people used rocks for various tools and weapons As pictured to the right, humans used a sharp rock as a hand axe to chop various objects
Spearhead Humans also made thin stone blades which they used as spear heads Men used cliffs and tar pits as weapons for killing animals. They would corner the animal and force them off the cliff or into tar pits. The bow and arrow was created in BCE and helped hunters kill animals easier
Danger Will Robinson! Prehistoric thrill seekers or hunters seeking their next week’s meals?
Paleolithic men hunted. What did Paleolithic women and girls do?
Women were Gatherers Plants Berries Seeds Wildflowers Leaves Seasons brought and took away food.
Paleolithic Shelter Depending on where they lived, shelters could be under a rock cliff…
Shelters …or in domed tents made of branches, sticks, leaves, animal skins
27,000 – 23,000 B.C.E. This Paleolithic site was inhabited from ca to B.C. The settlement had perhaps 100 people who inhabited the site the year round. In this period, Europe was in the midst of the Ice Age so the average daily temperature was probably around freezing, and the particular site was very close to the edge of the northern ice sheet. The site was on the edge of a swamp, and was at a point where mammoths and other herd animals could be funnelled in to make hunting them more easy.the edge of the northern ice sheet
Communities Small bands, or clans, of 20 to 60 people Nomadic Always in search of food Paleolithic Bear hunt in the "Dawnland" of the Northeast Quinnipiacs; drawn by “Big Heart - Little Bear” Wagner
The only jobs available during the Paleolithic age were FINDING ENOUGH FOOD TO SURVIVE Wanted: brilliant hunter with high tech weapons and hunting skills. Apply in person
Lascaux Cave Cave Paintings Chauvet Cave
Prehistoric Cave Paintings Mostly animals A variety of colors Used uneven surfaces to create 3-D images Maybe for religious purposes Maybe to show what they were hunting
The time frame for "paleolithic art" can be described from 35,000 bce to aproximately 12,000 bce when people lived in hunter-gatherer nomadic tribes and prior to the development of agriculture.
Chauvet Cave, Spain Ancient paintings executed on dark cave walls were first glimpsed by a young girl named Maria who looked up and exclaimed, "Look Papa, bulls!" The cave, Altimira, in northern Spain had had no visitors for the past 14,000 years until Maria and her father, sat in the flickering darkness of a lamp and saw the bulls, oxen and bison so vividly prancing on the ceiling of the cave. Scenes that would open a new chapter to artistic expression as well as to science. Spotted Horse #08
Cave Art Technique This cave painting from Lascaux includes additional markings which may be representations of arrows, indications of counting or tribal signatures. The blending of colors seen here, such as in the horse's mane blending into the horse's neck, may suggest the paint was blown or 'spit' onto the wall.
Paleolithic jewelry
Women’s role during the Paleolithic Age was to a. hunt small game b. gather plants and berries c. cut meat with cutting stones d. sing to the family
The main way to get food during the Paleolithic Age was by a. farming and herding b. trading c. hunting and gathering d. creating new recipes
People lived in ____ during the Paleolithic Age. A. rough tents and under rock shelters b. rock shelters and cloth tents c. primitive houses made of mud d. two story mud brick houses
Men trapped animals by forcing them A. into a fenced in area b. into tar pits or cliffs c. into a net d. into a cage
Paleolithic means A. Prehistory B. History C. Old Stone Age D. New Stone Age
The lifestyle of Paleolithic people could be described as A. moving around in search of food B. moving around in search of homes C. settling down in permanent homes D. traveling for pleasure
The primary challenge during the Paleolithic Age was A. becoming skilled as hunters B. training young boys to hunt C. locating rivers for a water source D. obtaining food for survival
Family life during the Paleolithic Age could be described as a. Clans of 20 – 60 people traveling in search of food b. Extended family, including grandparents, aunts and uncles c. Clans of 20 – 60 people who lived in one place d. tribes of 500 people