CONVEYING PRIORITIES THROUGH POLICY BRIEFS This session will cover: 1.The purpose of policy briefs 2.Understanding the audience 3.Characteristics of policy briefs 4.Sample formats 5.Case study exercise
1. PURPOSE provide busy policymakers with information they need to do their jobs break down complex issues into essential facts evaluate alternative courses of action provide recommendations for action
2. THE AUDIENCE: (Decision Makers) NEEDS AND MOTIVATIONS their need to master complex, substantive issues in a short period of time their need to make decisions based on partial or imperfect information their motivation to satisfy their bosses or constituents
CHARACTERISTICS OF DECISION MAKERS The higher up in the hierarchy.… the less the policymakers knows about any one issue the less he/she is able to focus on one issue the more he/she will prefer oral briefings the more he/she will be influenced by political considerations
SOME DECISION MAKERS... decide based on gut reactions or instincts take the advice of certain individuals do their homework and ask good questions are overly concerned with details Know for whom you are writing!
POLICY DECISIONS ARE BASED ON A COMBINATION OF Seniority, personal relationships, and making deals 2.Rational ideas and arguments offering technically sound solutions
REMEMBER: Policymakers make decisions every day based on incomplete or imperfect information.
YOUR JOB IS TO... Provide the best available evidence on the problem and evaluate possible solutions.
3. AN EFFECTIVE POLICY BRIEF: WHAT TO INCLUDE? A policy brief should... explain why the issue is important; why a decision needs to be made provide essential facts and supporting evidence provide courses of action give some assessment of the political environment *
4. DIFFERENT FORMATS Policy memo: –Highlights an issue where a specific course of action has to be taken –Evaluates different courses of action to be taken and makes a recommendation Fact sheet: –Provides useful background information about a topic or area –Helps an official focus on the key points
AN EFFECTIVE POLICY BRIEF: WHAT’S THE FORMAT? A policy brief should… be no longer than 3-5 pages (double spaced) contain all essential info in first paragraph contain simple tables or charts when needed preferably be accompanied by an oral briefing
AN EFFECTIVE POLICY BRIEF: WHAT’S THE STRUCTURE? Policy memo –Heading –Summary –Background –Issues –Options –Recommendati on Fact sheet –Title –Overview –Specific points –Conclusion with actions to be taken
POLICY BRIEF (FACT SHEET) TIPS Orient to your audience needs Organize around key, memorable points Support key points with data or evidence Avoid technical jargon Format information so that it’s easy to read –Use short sentences –Use bold type or bullet to highlight –Use simple graphs (table)
POLICY BRIEF (FACT SHEET) TIPS If possible, present 1-3 policy or program implications from the data
POLICY BRIEF (FACT SHEET) TIPS Remember to add name of your organization and the source of your information Take advantage of every opportunity!
WHEN WRITING A POLICY BRIEF, ASK YOURSELF... What is the principal message being conveyed? What do I want the policymaker to remember? Are the actions feasible? Convincing? What are the political risks to the decision maker if the recommendations are followed?
EXERCISE OBJECTIVES Practice and test your skills in sifting through data and information quickly Summarize information in an easy to read fact sheet Practice a 7-minute oral briefing with a high- level official