Grasslands By Glenn gray
What are grasslands? Large wide open fields of grasses, flowers, and herbs. There are two different kinds of grasslands. One of them is the tall-grass, which are humid and generally wet, and the other is the short-grass which tend to be very dry and have hotter summers and colder winters than the tall-grass.
What is a Climatogram? A climatogram is graph that averages temperatures and precipitation in a biome during a certain period of time.
Animal adaptations Bison have flat-topped teeth and digestive systems adapted for feeding on grasses. Many grassland animals have legs and paws adapted to burrow into the ground for shelter and to escape danger. Many grassland animals are adapted for nocturnal life so as to avoid predators. Some animals can change the color of their skin to blend in with the grass to camouflage themselves from predators.
Plant adaptations Some grassland trees have incredibly thick bark to protect them from fire. Grasses extend deep into the ground to gain as much moisture as they need. Shrubs quickly sprout again after burned away by fire. Soft stems allow the grasses to bend with the wind.
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