Draft meeting conclusions From the chairs
Focus next year HM/POPs –Scientific –Review PM follow up –Updates –Task group, ancillary data –Possible link to NEC directive revision and LRTAP negotiations Capacity building
Reporting Will propose for next meeting a time table for revisions of reporting guidelines –Taking into account need for further harmonisation MSC-W is encouraged to further develope REPdab and WEBdab Options for NFR extensions –To increase transparency In particular for HM, POPs and PM –Proposed as additional reporting (not requirements)
Review Agreed to have an annual review procedure Some Parties expressed concerns with resource requirements, that will be brought forward Encourge synergies with UNFCCC process, –Timing and common data Agreed on a procedures, methods and timing, including consultations with Parties, feedback and resubmissions of data for a S&A –Annexed to chairs report –Report to EMEP SB
Review (cont.) IIR –Short-term: integrate into templates certain aspect (notation keys, explanation and fuel issues) Not required as minimum reporting –Suggestions on draft format. Comments welcome within to KK. Will be available for use. Agreed on improvements of the templates –Prefilled Nas –Clarifications on notation keys –New totals according to WGSR –New memo item for inland shipping –Options for aggregating 1A and 1B
Review (cont.) Will explore options for detailed review models –Taking into account other processes, e.g. UNFCCC and twinning projects/share of experience –Cost-effectiveness! Recognised the need for review both for monitoring progress towards targets and policy development
PM workshop The TF appreciated the input from the workshop –Pointed out needs for updating the GB, especially missing sectors –Resource needs for these updates –PM Task group to assess for modeller needs
Guidebook Need for resources –PM demands –IPCC demand for updates –Needs to follow the pace of increased reporting requirenents EFDB –Further exploring the prospects of developing an EFs or linking to existing initiatives Need for link to EPER PRTR processes –Methodologies, reporting and dissemination
Capacity building Need to identify obstacle in some countries –Financial and institutional –Need further consideration Twinning projects Training Link to review process Consider funding to bring countries together before next meeting