NOC Report Kazunori Konishi
* Link Updates - SingaREN - vBNC & CA*net2(97.11) - ACSys - RWCP(97.11) - SingaREN - APII(98.1) - MAFFIN - PHnet(98.2) * Ad hoc meetings(Tokyo, Taejon)
Ad hoc meeting in Tokyo(97.11) * Multiple PVPs/UNI of ATM SW * Application Form for PVC * ASN & IP for each member network * Design Memo to be updated * Contacts for 24x7 operation
Ad hoc meeting in Taejon(98.2) * Report of KR/JP NOCs * Bandwidth Increase & Demonstrations * Contact points for Virtual NOC * Policy Based Routing for segregating HPIIS/Commodity traffic * APAN Handbook
Ad hoc meeting in Taejon(cont.) * Definition of NOC/NIC(Sec.)/User Support Group * Resource Allocation Sub-Committee - Initial Allocation - NIC as a Reception Desk *Joint Projects of 3 countries or more