The location underground where an Earthquake begins is the focus. The crust breaks at the focus, and the released energy pushes outward in all directions in the form of seismic waves. The point on Earth’s surface above the focus is the epicenter. Energy from earthquakes travels through the Earth
Primary (P waves): travel the fastest and arrive first. They can travel through any layer. Secondary (S waves): travel more slowly than primary waves and arrive second. Cannot travel through the mantle. Surface waves : travel on the surface of the crust and cause the most damage. They arrive last. rchives/year/2002/2002_11_03_waveani.php 3 types of seismic waves
A seismograph is an instrument used to detect and record ground movementsseismograph When an earthquake occurs, the shaking of the ground is recorded on paper Seismic Waves can be measured
Earthquakes are the most unpredictable natural disaster Magnitude Scales are used to describe how much energy an earthquake releases. Shaking of the ground can cause landslides and buildings may sink or slide due to liquefaction, which causes soil to act like liquid Earthquakes can cause severe damage
Scientists study the elevation of the ground and the movement of the ground to monitor earthquakes An active fault where earthquakes have not occurred in a long time is a seismic gap. A gap can show a build up of stress and that an earthquake might occur soon. Scientists work to monitor Earthquakes
Buildings should be firmly put on their foundation Base isolators should be used to absorb the ground motion Structures can be designed to resist earthquake damage