Adapting to Disruptive Changes in School Psychology The University of Hartford Story…..
History Background and location of program. When was the LPC credential incorporated and why? Process…who was involved and who made it happen? – M.S. is awarded with specialty in Child Clinical Counseling
State of CT Department of Public Health: Professional Counselor Licensing Course Requirements Human Growth and Development Career and Lifestyle Development Social and Cultural Foundations Appraisals or Tests and Measurements for Individuals and Groups Counseling Theory and Techniques or Helping Relationships Research and Evaluation Group Dynamics Professional Orientation to Counseling Processing and Counseling
State of CT Department of Public Health: Professional Counselor Licensing Practice Requirement Did the applicant complete 60 semester hours, or 90 quarter hours of graduate counseling coursework in or related to the discipline of professional counseling?
Alternative Pathways to Licensure Study Collaborative effort among Duquesne University, Saint John’s University and University of Hartford. How are programs preparing students to cope with changes in the field of School Psychology (in light of ACA, etc.)? Approximately 17% of programs incorporate some additional type of credential into their course of study. Want more information? TSP Poster presentation this evening at 6:00 pm!!!
MA MS EdS CAGS PD PhDPsyDEdDDEdOther Total BCBA* Licensed Professional Counselor* Licensed Psychology Examiner* Clinical Psychology Licensure* Licensed Master’s Level Psychologist (LMLP)* Licensed Behavior Specialist* Marriage and Family Therapist* Licensure Option Summary Bilingual cert Pupil Personnel Service credential Endorsement in Early Child Education Education Option Summary Multiple Options Overall Total