HAILEYBURY ALMATY Welcome to Haileybury
The year one team 1RS Ms Siddall Ms Mussa Ms Kaliyeva 1SC Mrs Cherry Ms Chartykova Ms Karimova 1FM Ms Measures Ms Lenskaya Ms Meirbekova
Communication Points of Contact 1.Class Teachers (Ms Siddall, Mrs Cherry, Ms Measures) 2.Head of Key Stage 1 (Mr Browning-Stamp) 3.Head of Primary (Mr Roberts) 4.Headmaster (Mr Halsall) Your child will also be provided with a communication book in which you can write messages to the class teaching teams. This may also be used by teachers to send messages to parents.
Important dates DateEvent Monday 25 th AugustKnowledge Day Monday 1 st SeptemberPublic Holiday – no school Thursday 11 th SeptemberYear 1 Parent Information Meeting (Reading and Phonics) 2:30-3:30pm Thursday 25 th SeptemberYear 1 Parent Information Meeting (Handwriting and Maths ) 2:30-3:30pm Friday 26 th SeptemberNon-uniform day for Green Week Tuesday 30 th SeptemberKS1 Open Forum with HM 2:30-3:15pm Wednesday 8 th & Thursday 9 th OctoberPrimary Parents Evening 2:30-6pm Friday 17 th OctoberHalloween Activity Day from 12:30pm 20 th -24 th OctoberPrimary Poetry Week 27 th -31 st OctoberHalf Term Holiday Tuesday 4 th NovemberKS1 Music Concert 1:15pm Monday 1 DecemberPublic Holiday – no school Friday 5 th DecemberKS1 Winter Theme Week dress up day Wednesday 10 th DecemberNon-uniform day Friday 12 th DecemberTerm Ends
Curriculum overview Literacy Phonics, reading and letter formation throughout year. Spelling from October. Cursive handwriting from November. Autumn Traditional and Fairy Tales Labels, Lists and Captions Poems about Senses Spring Recounts and Dictionary Work Poetry - Pattern and Rhyme Stories from a Range of Cultures Instructions Summer Stories with Familiar Settings Stories about Fantasy Worlds Information Texts Poems on a Theme Literacy Phonics, reading and letter formation throughout year. Spelling from October. Cursive handwriting from November. Autumn Traditional and Fairy Tales Labels, Lists and Captions Poems about Senses Spring Recounts and Dictionary Work Poetry - Pattern and Rhyme Stories from a Range of Cultures Instructions Summer Stories with Familiar Settings Stories about Fantasy Worlds Information Texts Poems on a Theme Maths Throughout the year the following topics are covered, revised and extended to allow knowledge to be built upon and not forgotten. Counting Place Value Addition Length Shape Subtraction Position Money Read Numbers Ordinal Numbers Weight Time Shape Doubling and Halving Odds and Even Units of Time Organise and Interpret Information Co-ordinates Capacity Repeated Addition Maths Throughout the year the following topics are covered, revised and extended to allow knowledge to be built upon and not forgotten. Counting Place Value Addition Length Shape Subtraction Position Money Read Numbers Ordinal Numbers Weight Time Shape Doubling and Halving Odds and Even Units of Time Organise and Interpret Information Co-ordinates Capacity Repeated Addition
Curriculum overview Humanities Autumn Toys Around our School Spring Barnaby Bear Travels The World Summer Homes Traditions Humanities Autumn Toys Around our School Spring Barnaby Bear Travels The World Summer Homes Traditions Science Autumn Ourselves Light and Dark Spring Materials Pushes and Pulls Summer Sound and Hearing Growing Plants Science Autumn Ourselves Light and Dark Spring Materials Pushes and Pulls Summer Sound and Hearing Growing Plants
Curriculum overview Throughout the year ICT will be incorporated in to the curriculum. Art and DT Throughout the year Visual Elements Range of Experiences Art and Design Concepts To learning in, through and about expressive arts To experience the inspiration of the arts To recognise and nurture aesthetic talents To develop skills and techniques relevant to specific art forms To provide opportunities to deepen understanding of culture of Kazakhstan and wider world Art and DT Throughout the year Visual Elements Range of Experiences Art and Design Concepts To learning in, through and about expressive arts To experience the inspiration of the arts To recognise and nurture aesthetic talents To develop skills and techniques relevant to specific art forms To provide opportunities to deepen understanding of culture of Kazakhstan and wider world
Class timetables 1RSMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday TUTOR TIME 8:00-8:30PSHCEPhonicsHouse AssemblyPhonics P1 8:30 - 9:05MusicKazakhEnglishMFL*English P2 9:05 - 9:40MusicKazakhEnglishHumanitiesMFL* BK 9:40-10:15 P3 10: :50EnglishMathsArt/DTHumanitiesMaths P4 10:50- 11:25EnglishMathsArt/DTMaths P5 11: :00Science ICTMathsKazakh LCH 12:00 - 1:00 P6 1:00 - 1:30PE MFL* MathsEnglishKS1 Assembly P7 1:30 - 2:15PEMFL*MathsEnglishScience BK 2:15 - 2:25 ECA 2:25 - 3:00 No ECA's *NB: Up until October half term pupils will not attend MFL lessons but these periods will be used for further English lessons. Please drop your child off at the inside door in the mornings. They can enter the classroom from 7:50am. At the end of the day your child should be collected from the outside door between the playground and the classroom.
Class timetables 1FMMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday TUTOR TIME 8:00-8:30PSHCEPhonicsHouse AssemblyPhonics P1 8:30 - 9:05 Maths KazakhEnglishMFLEnglish P2 9:05 - 9:40 Maths KazakhEnglishScienceMFL BK 9:40-10:15 P3 10: :50EnglishMathsPEScienceMusic P4 10:50- 11:25EnglishMathsPEMathsMusic P5 11: :00Humanities ICTMathsKazakh LCH 12:00 - 1:00 P6 1:00 - 1:30Art/DT MFL MathsEnglishKS1 Assembly P7 1:30 - 2:15 Art/DT MFLMathsEnglishScience BK 2:15 - 2:25 ECA 2:25 - 3:00 No ECA's *NB: Up until October half term pupils will not attend MFL lessons but these periods will be used for further English lessons. Please drop your child off at the inside door in the mornings. They can enter the classroom from 7:50am. At the end of the day your child should be collected from the outside door between the playground and the classroom.
Class timetables *NB: Up until October half term pupils will not attend MFL lessons but these periods will be used for further English lessons. 1SCMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday TUTOR TIME 8:00-8:30PSHCEPhonicsHouse AssemblyPhonics P1 8:30 - 9:05PEKazakhEnglishMFLEnglish P2 9:05 - 9:40PEKazakhEnglishScienceMFL BK 9:40-10:15 P3 10: :50EnglishMathsArt/DTScienceMusic P4 10:50- 11:25EnglishMathsArt/DTMathsMusic P5 11: :00Humanities ICTMathsKazakh LCH 12:00 - 1:00 P6 1:00 - 1:30Maths MFL MathsEnglishKS1 Assembly P7 1:30 - 2:15MathsMFLMathsEnglishScience BK 2:15 - 2:25 ECA 2:25 - 3:00 No ECA's Please drop your child off at the inside door in the mornings. They can enter the classroom from 7:50am. At the end of the day your child should be collected from the outside door between the playground and the classroom.
homework In Year 1 pupils are expected to complete the following homework daily: Reading (10 minutes) Phonics (10 minutes) These will begin after our Parent Information Meeting on Thursday 11 th September where advice will be given as to how you can assist your child at home. Later in the term, phonics homework will be substituted with spelling homework. This will be a list of ten words to learn for a spelling test on a Friday.
Uniform Blue Polo Shirt (unisex) Black Leather Shoes (unisex) Magenta Sweater (unisex) Magenta Hoodie (unisex) Girls Kilt Girls White Tights Boys Grey Trousers Boys Black or Grey Socks Boys Grey Shorts School Bag – big House Polo Shirt (unisex) PE Kit Sports Polo Shirt (unisex) Girls Athletic Shorts Boys White Shorts Tracksuit Swimming Kit Girls One Piece Swimming Costume Boys Swimming Trunks Swimming Hat (unisex) Towel Flip Flops
equipment In Year 1 pupils are not expected to bring any equipment with them to school. Anything that is needed for lessons will be provided. Please do not send your child in with a pencil case as they will be asked to leave it in their school bag. Children will be provided with a homework folder to keep their reading books and other homework in, which they are expected to bring to school every day. This will also be used to distribute communication in the form of letters.
Questions? Please take the opportunity to go and visit your child’s classroom and meet the teachers. If you are unsure of your child’s class please see me and I will let you know.