Miss Martin Mrs Talmage Mrs Morgan Meet the teacher - September 2015
What will we cover? Class composition & staff Homework Maths English Reading Topics Trips and Visits PE Incentives How can you help? Any questions?
Yellow Class 29 children Teaching assistants: Mrs Talmage Monday to Wednesday and Mrs Morgan on Thursdays and Fridays Teachers: Miss Martin :Thursday pm Mrs Purser and Mrs Price : Friday am Mrs Topple
Homework Reading: Books will be changed daily. Please share the books with your child and write any comments in the reading record book. Rather no books from home. If you really want to send a book in it must be at the correct level for your child. One book only please (not too big as it must fit in their tray) and no comics or toys to be sent into school. Homework will be set on Friday and collected in on Tuesday. We will rotate between English, maths and science. Spellings will be set weekly. Linked to phonics done in class that week. Look, Cover, Write, Check and sentence writing.
Maths 4 lessons each week. Maths sessions allow the children to problem solve and reason through discussion and exploration. 1 Mathletics (led by Mrs Topple) on laptops 1 Outdoor Learning (Big Play) session per week. Grouped by ability – differentiated work (tailored to group ability) and rotating support from the teacher and TA.
English Daily phonics and spelling, punctuation and grammar work. Regular handwriting sessions. 3 lessons per week. Consists of - teacher input covering word, sentence and text level work, independent and group work finishing with a plenary (summing up). 1 Outdoor Learning (Big Play) session per week. 1 Guided Reading (led by Mrs Topple) – children are split into groups (by ability best fit) and each group works with the teacher or TA to complete reading and comprehension activities.
Reading Books are matched to child’s ability. Checked and changed daily to make sure children are reading regularly. Expected that children will read daily at home. Books that are above a child’s ability will not improve reading skills but will affect child’s confidence. Parents support by providing and sharing additional books at home. Books shared with an adult may be above child’s ability.
Topics Half termly overviews will be on the class page on the school website. Subject to change! This half term…..Around the World English – information texts, story writing, poetry Maths – fractions, number, time, money, measuring Science –materials and their properties Geography/history – around the world, first flight Music – songs from around the world, long and short sounds ICT – Keeping safe online, basic skills PSHE (philosophy) – me and my relationships – friends and family PE – dribbling, hitting and kicking and gymnastics Art – planes (linked to Duxford trip) DT – wheels and axels – wheeled vehicle
Trips, Visits and Events Duxford Imperial War Museum Autumn Term Trips in Spring and Summer Term
PE days : Tuesday (outdoor) and Thursdays (indoor) Shorts and t-shirts for indoor PE Warm kit and trainers required for outdoor games Encourage children to be independent when changing. Long hair tied back, earrings to be removed or covered with tape Note required if child is not able to do PE No swimming this term. P.E.
Incentives House points – Mars, Saturn, Jupiter Star Award – one child each week 5 Star Book – three children nominated weekly. Respect-Determination- Politeness-Kindness-Positivity Pebble jar for whole class Sunshine Bear will go home with one child each week (Friday to Tuesday)
Everything must be named Please ensure your child has a water bottle for use throughout the day in the classroom Big Play – Coats, rain coats and wellies Please say goodbye at the gate so children come into school independently
How can you help? Reinforce learning at home Details given on weekly homework sheets Offer to help in the classroom, with visits or special events Communicate any concerns or problems Catch me after school (before school if it is an emergency), send in a note, write in the homework book, call/ the office to arrange a time to meet. Any Questions?
Thank you for your support Miss Martin