Jefferson Elementary Kindergarten March 8, 2010
Good handwriting is one of the foundation skills of language development. Handwriting is one of the first observable measures of school success. Handwriting mastery leads to more fluid writing with increased automaticity and speed. In the face of new academic standards for the 21 st Century, kids must be able to communicate what they learn.
Program developed in 1977 by an occupational therapist who was attempting to help her son with his handwriting skills Multisensory approach to teaching letter and number formations to all students pre-k through cursive
Letters are taught in a sequence that makes sense developmentally: in groups of similar formation. Uses all the senses to teach directionality, vocabulary and imitation, positioning, and sequencing skills
1. Imitation: The teacher demonstrates the letter formation. The child imitates the teachers. 2. Copying: Children are asked to copy a model of a practice word by looking at the word. 3. Independent Writing: Children are asked to write a word without demonstration and without a model. They have to write from memory.
Developmentally, capitals are easier so they are taught first Ensures correct formation and orientation while eliminating reversals
HWT begins with a no pencil, no paper approach Kinders will be demonstrating one of the first strategies to you Can you do it?
Most students were still in the developing stage of capital letter formation Most students have met the standard for capital letter formation
Bergen, R. (2008). Teaching writing in kindergarten. Broadway, NY: Scholastic, Inc. Calkins, L.M. (1989). The Arts of teaching writing. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Educational Books, Inc. Edge, N. (2007, August 10). Guidelines for teaching handwriting in kindergarten: thoughts on what works best. Retrieved Oct 30, 2009, from Graham, S. (2008). Research-based best practices for teaching writing: a discussion with Steve Graham on how to effectively teach writing. The Writing Teacher, 10(1), Retrieved Oct 30, 2009, from Leuenberger, C.J. (2003). The New kindergarten: teaching reading, writing, and more. Broadway, NY: Scholastic, Inc. Olsen, J.Z., Knapton, E.F. (2008). Handwriting Without Tears. Best Reading and Language Instruction Books. Cabin John, MD.