AvaTax for Intacct Implementation Checklist Overview Winifer Cheng Winifer
22 2 Set Up Checklist for Single Company AvalaraIntacctIntacct AR SpecificIntacct OE Specific Setup CompanyAvalara ConfigurationDisallow duplicate invoice # in AR configuration Map Avalara Tax Code to Item Setup NexusCustomer must have an address Ship to contact must have an address Define Sales Tax subtotal label in AR Inventory Item’s warehouse must have warehouse contact address Select Avalara Tax Codes Set customer to taxable or non-taxable (Customers are defaulted as taxable) Map Avalara Tax Code to AR Account Label Define sales tax subtotal in Sales Invoice transaction template, select for Avalara Company must have an address and enable ISO country list
33 3 Company must have an address & select ISO country list
44 4 Disallow duplicate invoice numbers in Accounts Receivable
55 5 Define AR Account Label for Sales Tax Label – Posting Sales Tax Amount to General Ledger
66 6 Turn on Avalara Tax Configuration - Elect to use Avalara for AR and/or OE
77 7 Customer and Ship to Contact must have address(es)
88 8 Set Customer = Taxable to manage sales tax
99 9 Map Avalara Tax Code to AR Account Label in Accounts Receivable to categorize Product Category
10 Calculating Sales Tax in Accounts Receivable
11 Map Avalara Tax Code to Item in Order Entry
12 Warehouse must have a warehouse contact with an address - warehouse is required for all inventory items
13 Setup Order Entry Transaction Definition – Sales Invoice - Positive amount in Intacct positive amount in Avalara
14 Setup Order Entry Transaction Definition – Sales Invoice - Select for Avalara tax subtotal line
15 Calculating Sales Tax in Order Entry Sales Invoice
16 AvaTax Sales Return/Credit Memo Setup in OE [Option 1] Sales Invoice (+) Sales Return (+) sales tax is calculated on sales invoice date Sales Invoice (+)Return Invoice (-) Intacct Avalara (+) represents positive amount; (-) represents negative amount
17 Setup Order Entry Transaction Definition – Sales Return/Credit Memo [Option 1] - Positive amount in Intacct negative amount in Avalara
18 Setup Order Entry Transaction Definition – Sales Return/Credit Memo [Option 1] - Positive amount in Intacct negative amount in Avalara
19 Sales Tax in Order Entry Sales Return [Option 1] Tax is computed on Original Invoice Date Positive Sales Return in Intacct Negative Return Invoice in Avalara
20 Sales Return as Return Invoice in Avalara [Option 1] Tax is computed on Original Invoice Date Positive Sales Return in Intacct Negative Return Invoice in Avalara
21 AvaTax Sales Return/Credit Memo Setup in OE [Option 2] - Positive amount in Intacct positive amount in Avalara Sales Invoice (+) Sales Return (-) use sales invoice template & UI category Sales Invoice (+)Sales Invoice (-) Intacct Avalara (+) represents positive amount; (-) represents negative amount
22 Setup Order Entry Transaction Definition – Sales Return/Credit Memo [Option 2] - Positive amount in Intacct positive amount in Avalara Tax is computed on transaction date Positive Sales Return in Intacct Positive Sales Invoice in Avalara
23 Setup Checklist for Multi-Entity Company AvalaraIntacctIntacct AR SpecificIntacct OE Specific Setup CompanyAvalara ConfigurationDisallow duplicate invoice # in AR configuration Map Avalara Tax Code to Item Setup NexusCustomer must have an address Ship to contact must have an address Define Sales Tax subtotal label in AR Inventory Item’s warehouse must have warehouse contact address Select Avalara Tax Codes Set customer to taxable or non-taxable (Customers are defaulted as taxable) Map Avalara Tax Code to AR Account Label Define sales tax subtotal in Sales Invoice transaction template, select for Avalara Company must have an address and enable ISO country list Entity contact must have an address if integration is enabled
24 Entity contact must have an address
25 AvaTax Configuration at Entity Level Option to map Intacct entity to separate Avalara company Option to disable AvaTax integration at entity level
26 AvaTax Configuration at Entity Level Option to map Intacct entity to separate Avalara company using Avalara Company Code Option to disable AvaTax integration at entity level (transactions created at entity will not pass to Avalara for sales tax computation)