Welcome to assembly 24 th February 2015
What do we celebrate each year when we remember the day we were born? Whose birthday do we celebrate at Christmas when we give presents to each other? What do we call the celebration of the time when Jesus rose from the dead?
Mark 1: Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, Jesus returned to Galilee.
There He told everyone the Good News of God: “The time has come! Change your lives and believe in the Gospel!”
Lent is a time of remembering to say “No” when we are tempted to do something that God would not like us to do. Lent is a time to say “Yes” to people when they need our help.
Lord, Help us each day to learn what is right. Protect us when we are tempted to do wrong things. Help us to remember that Jesus understands, because He was tempted too, but that he didn’t give in. Amen