Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Independent Advocacy in Cumbria for Adults Pre- Market Engagement.


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Presentation transcript:

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Independent Advocacy in Cumbria for Adults Pre- Market Engagement Event 15 June 2015

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Introduction Background and Scope Service Information Procurement timetable New legislation Key Issues Opportunity to contribute to service development.

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Council Panel Available today Peter Woodhouse- Senior Manager, Service Development. Donna Story-Service Development Manager. Colin Phipps- Service Development Manager (Advice and Information) Paul Dobie- Commissioning Manager, Commissioning, Procurement & Contract Management

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations What is Advocacy? “Advocacy is taking action to help people say what they want, secure their rights, represent their interests, and obtain the services they need. Advocates and advocacy providers work in partnership with the people they support and take their side. Advocacy promotes social inclusion, equality and social justice.” Definition from the Advocacy Code of Practice 2014

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Range of Statutory Advocacy Provision. We have new statutory advocacy duties under the Care Act from April 2015 We have statutory advocacy under the Mental Capacity Act for people who lack capacity (IMCA) We have statutory advocacy under the Mental Health Act for people who are detained in hospitals or on a Community Treatment Order (IMHA) We have statutory advocacy for NHS complaints. We have Healthwatch-the health and social care champion.

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Current Advocacy Provision in Cumbria (Five Separate Contracts ) Type of Advocacy/ServiceStatutory Y/N Relevant LegislationProvider Best Life Independent Advocacy (Generic)/Care Act Advocacy Non-statutoryNHS & Local Authority Complaint Regulations 2009 Care Act People First Best Life Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA ) StatutoryMental Capacity Act 2005 & DoLS People First Independent Mental Health Act Advocacy (IMHA) StatutoryMental Health Act 1983 Carlisle & Eden MIND Independent Advocacy Service (IAS) - NHS Complaints StatutoryHealth and Social Care Act People First Health WatchStatutoryHealth and Social Care Act 2012 People First

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Advocacy Procurement Structure in Cumbria from 1/4/16- 1/4/20 Procurement Arrangement Type of Advocacy/ServiceStatutory Y/N Lot 1Care Act Advocacy NHS Complaints Healthwatch IMCA Statutory Lot 2.Independent Mental Health Act Advocacy (IMHA Statutory

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Procurement Timetable. Key decision- future procurement-. June Final formal Supplier Engagement Day – week 31 August – Issue tender documents -14 September, Deadline for receipt of clarifications-26 October Deadline for receipt of tenders-2 November, Evaluation of tenders- 3 November- 23 November, Intention to award contract decision- 24 November, Standstill period ends- 4 December, 2015 Final award letters- 7 December, Contract implementation- 7 December- 31 March N.B.- All timings are indicative and subject to change

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations IMCA Trend Information Jan-Mar 2015: 74 referrals of which 64 were appropriate 71% from Local Authority and 20%- NHS 241% increase in DoLS referrals since contract inception in 2012.

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations IMHA Trend Information. 438 new referrals An “opt out service” in line with best practice-whilst protecting confidentiality.

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Healthwatch Functions

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations NHS Complaints Age criteria- people in Cumbria over 16 years. Biggest source of referral is self - referral. Each referral may include multiple issues across different NHS services.

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Care Act Advocacy The Care Act requires local authorities to involve people in assessments, care and support planning, and reviews. In order to facilitate the involvement and engagement of people who would otherwise have difficulty, it introduces a new requirement to arrange independent advocacy for people: –who have substantial difficulty in being involved in these processes and, –where there is no appropriate individual (s) available to help facilitate this involvement.

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations It is not universal – it is targeted It is not to do with mental capacity It is not to do with vulnerability It is not defined in relation to any condition (LD or dementia) The key issue is: substantial difficulty in being involved in care and support process. It is targeted at those who have no-one to help them to be involved in care and support process Implications of Care Act Advocacy:

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Relevant Care Act Processes a needs assessment a carer’s assessment the preparation of a care or care & support plan a review of care and support plan or support plan a child’s needs assessment (in transition) a child’s carer’s assessment a young carer’s assessment adults who are subject to a safeguarding enquiry or safeguarding adults review (SAR) appeals against decisions (?)

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Judging Substantial Difficulty

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations The Link with Information and Advice Care Act advocacy entitlement starts at first point of contact with the local authority- or even before for those people who need advocacy to access information and advice. How do contact centre staff identify if someone has substantial difficulty in engaging?

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Good Commissioning Principles (TLAP). Person-centred, outcome focused. Inclusive- co-produced with people and their communities, positive engagement with providers, promotes equality. Well-led. Promotes a diverse and sustainable market

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Questions and Answers

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Discussion Groups Group 1- Focus mainly on Care Act/IMCA/IMHA. Group 2- Focus mainly on Healthwatch/NHS Complaints. What strengths and weaknesses do you see in our proposed approach? What do you envisage as the impact of the Care Act in relation to advocacy for your organisation/area of work? How do we put good commissioning principles into action, i.e. opportunities for co-production etc. ?

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Thanks for listening A website is coming soon where you will find the information from today t.asp Main contact- Donna Story-