2016 District Enrollment & Facility Study Team Board Update May 23, 2016
Presentation Overview Overview of Enrollment Study Findings Overview of Facility Study Findings (% utilization, etc...) District-established Goals and Objectives and Overview of the Committee Committee Meetings to Date High-level review transitioning into the specifics for K-4 and Support Spaces Current Areas of Focus Next Steps
Overview of Enrollment Study Findings
Overview of Facility Study Findings (% utilization, etc...)
District-established Goals and Objectives and Committee Team Make-up Committee Goal: U tilize a broad based stakeholder team, representing each school in our district, to review and analyze the district enrollment and facility studies, completed by Plante Moran CRESA, in order to safeguard and conserve our district resources with great diligence. Committee Objectives: Explore and recommend options to the Board of Education & Superintendent that increase the facility utilization of our elementary schools, moving toward a goal of 80% capacity Recommendations for possible expansion of programs, consolidation of facilities or other options must include both the rationale and potential impact (human, financial, community, etc...) for each option Evaluate facility needs and impact on pacing of projects for Phase 4 & 5 of our bond planning Determine if all schools and non K-12 facilities will be needed in the foreseeable future, thus need to be renovated Study current operating locations for our pre-K, K-12 and post-secondary programs in order to determine if more optimal options exist within our district facilities
Format of Meetings to Date Meeting #1 (April 18, 2016) and Meeting #2 (May 2, 2016) Goals and Objectives High Level Overview of LPS Portfolio, Enrollment, Utilization, Floor Plans, Proposed Bond Costs Meeting #3 - May 9, 2016 Review projected enrollment and demographics by building Discuss possible relocation of non-building specific programs Meeting #4 – May 16, 2016 Review buildings relative to impact to Bond Program costs Meeting #5 – May 23, 2016 Follow-up on possible considerations K-4 and Other Support Spaces Meeting #6 – May 31, 2106 Impact to Current Boundaries, Future Improvement, Operation Costs, Impact to LPS Future Meetings – June/July 2016 Discuss and draft recommendations for BoE consideration
Current Areas of Focus – Reviewing Phase 4 and Phase 5 of the LPS Bond Program K-4 Facilities Buchanan Cass Garfield Webster-Tyler Other Programs Other Support Facilities CTC Jackson PK Ford Skills Center Administration/Transportation/Warehouse
Next steps… Review potential recommendations Impact to Current Boundaries Cost of Future Improvement Cost of Operating the Facility Impact to LPS Programs Other considerations