Check out this Website! Watch the video below to help explain tides and the moon! Moon and Tides video: Tides/Moon:
SPRING AND NEAP TIDES Predict which diagram is a spring and neap tide. Tide simulation #2: u/astro_demos/tides/neap_sp.html Spring Tide Neap Tide Tide Simulation: moon/moontides/TideAni.gif Spring tide (extreme tide) highest high tide and lowest low tide – biggest difference between high and low tide Neap tide Lowest tides – smallest difference between high and low tide 1 st Quarter Moon 3 rd Quarter Moon
How many Spring Tides occur each month? During which moon phase? How many Neap Tides occur each month? How many high and low tides occur each day? Why does earth have two high and two low tides each day? How much time is in-between high and low tides? If there was no moon would we still have Tides? 2 – every full and new moon 2 – every 1st and 3 rd quarter moon 2 high tides and 2 low tides Earth rotates into the tides About 6hrs and 15 min Yes but there would not be any Spring or Neap Tides. The gravitational pull from the Sun would still create small tides! Bay of Fundy
SPRING TIDES – EXTREME TIDES HIGHEST HIGH TIDE AND LOWEST LOW TIDE Gravitational pull from the Sun and Moon work together making extreme tides. Low tide High tide New Moon Start 1 & 29.5 days Full Moon 15 days later
NEAP TIDES LOWEST TIDES Gravitational pull working against each other making tides closer together High tide Low tide First Quarter 7-8 days later Last Quarter later High tide is towards the moon since the moon is closer to Earth thus having a greater gravitational pull.
Moon Video summary