What are the requirements to be a marine? By Tucker Morse May 15,2013
What are the marines? The marines are focused on protection Specifically on protecting the ships for the navy They have a setup that the army, coastguards, navy, and the air force Can get in to E. Girabianowsk.( ) How the U.S marines work
What does it take physically to become a marine? 45 sit-ups in two minutes 4 pull ups Run one mile and a half
What does it take mentally to become a marine? Cant get mad Cant break laws/rules
The ASVAB test Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Books measures strengths, weaknesses, and potential for future
Resources Grabianowski, E. ( ). How the U.S marines work R. Montgomery, personal communication, (April ). Dorothy, H. (1993).The Marines And You. New York : Crestwood House.