Howard Gardner Multiple Intelligences Created BY: Zachary Matlock
Gardner’s Life Born July 11 th, 1943 in Scranton, PA A pianist and thought about career Married to Ellen Winner Has four Children
Gardner’s Education Attended Preparatory school in Kingston,PA Attended Harvard College received his B.A. in Social Relations received his Ph.D. in Deveopmental Psychology
Gardner’s Career Research psychologist Co-director of Project ZeroProject Zero Professor of Medicine Professor of Neurology Professor of Education
Some of Gardner’s Publications The Arts and Human Development Art, Mind, and Brain: A Cognitive Approach to Creativity 1983 Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligence
A Definition of Multiple Intelligences A psychological theory about the mind Human beings learn in various levels of intelligences Eight Different human intelligences Most intelligence tests only identify general intelligence(language/logic) Multiple Intelligence is a tool not a goal
Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences This theory is based on Gardner's belief that everybody has very different minds and they learn, remember, perform, and understand in various ways.
Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences Visual/Spatial Bodily-kinesthetic Musical-Rhythmic Logical- Mathematical Interpersonal Linguistic-Verbal Intrapersonal Since his publication Gardner has added Naturalist and Existential
How Gardner’s Theory can be used in the math or science classroom Educators will b able to identify differing strengths and weaknesses in students and also contradicts the idea that intelligence can be measured through IQ. Educators will also be able to create lesson plans that can accommodate ever students learning styles.
How Technology Enhances Multiple Intelligences There are many new technology of today that enhance the way we technology
Take the Multiple Intelligence Test Identify your multiple intelligences styles by taking this test.your multiple intelligences You can also identify you students multiple intelligences.
Refrences Cherry, Kendra. "Howard Gardner Biography." Abouteducation. Web. 15 Sept Cherry, Kendra. "Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences." Abouteducation. Web. 15 Sept
References "Multiple Intelligences." Web. 15 Sept "Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences." Web. 15 Sept