Information Systems in Organizations 1.1 The Modern Organization is a system and set of processes
In a pinch People Process Technology
Build Your Own Study Guide What is MIS? (read page contents and watch embedded videos) What is MIS? (read page contents and watch embedded videos) What are 3 key points from this reading? What are 3 important details from this reading? Students will be called upon at random
? What is MIS? What is an MIS System? Who works in MIS? How is MIS different from Computer Science? What do MIS people do? What type of programming do you do in MIS? What are the salary ranges for MIS professionals? What are the prospects for women in MIS? What is the current demand for MIS workers?
IS is more than just a piece of technology
Some Definitions IT: all computer based information systems used by organizations and their underlying technologies – It is easiest to think of this as the IT artifact IS: the interrelated components that collect, manipulate & disseminate data and info & provide feedback to meet an objective – Think of this as the collection of systems which facilitate decision making
What is MIS? Using information technology (IT) to solve business problems More Formally: MIS is the process of the accumulation and exploitation of data to drive business value.
The importance of MIS Information technology drives all businesses People who understand how information technology can improve business have a competitive edge Example: Customer Account
The Role of MIS AccountingFinanceSales Human Resources Production Information Systems are what facilitates data flow between these different parts of the firm…
What does an MIS professional do? Roles of IT AutomationData Analytics Systems Management Executive Decision Making
Build Your Own Study Guide Difference between IS, CS, and IT Difference between IS, CS, and IT What are 3 key points from this reading? What are 3 important details from this reading? Students will be called upon at random
Build Your Own Study Guide Information Systems vs. Information Technology Information Systems vs. Information Technology What are 3 key points from this reading? What are 3 important details from this reading? Students will be called upon at random
Isn’t it just computer science? Computer science is product-driven MIS is solution-driven
Build Your Own Study Guide Strategic Uses of IT in Business Strategic Uses of IT in Business What are 3 key points from this reading? What are 3 important details from this reading? Students will be called upon at random
MIS Career Paths Business Analyst Programmer Analyst Consultant Application programmer Project Manager Data Administrator Technical support Software Designer Fox MIS Students 100% Placement CIO CTO Systems Architect Data Analyst Security Analyst
IS Positions Rank Among the Best Jobs in America RankCareerJob Growth (10-year forecast)Median Pay 1Software developer32%$82,400 2Physical therapist30%$75,900 3Financial adviser30%$93,900 4Civil engineer24%$74,700 5Marketing specialist28%$52,200 6Management consultant24%$111,000 7IT consultant20%$96,500 8Database administrator20%$86,600 9Financial analyst20%$62,600 10Environmental engineer31%$81,200
Build Your Own Study Guide 10 Differences Between Working for a Startup vs. Corporation 10 Differences Between Working for a Startup vs. Corporation What are 3 key points from this reading? What are 3 important details from this reading? Students will be called upon at random
Build Your Own Study Guide 11 Things to Consider Before Going to Work for a Startup 11 Things to Consider Before Going to Work for a Startup What are 3 key points from this reading? What are 3 important details from this reading? Students will be called upon at random
? Who wants to work for a startup? Founders? Who’s footing the bills? Potential for the product or service? Risks/rewards of joining an early startup? Why do you want to work for a startup? Compensation? Any red flags? Corporate culture? Long hours? Hiring process?
Learn IT! #1 Digital Identity Management Due week 3 Create your e-Portfolio and connect it to Google Analytics
Key Takeaways Difference between IT and IS How information systems can be leveraged in the organizations The types of firms that offer technology services