1 Essential Question: Explain the benefits people gain from saving money; compare and contrast Savings Accounts to Time Deposits; identify the reason why.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Question: Explain the benefits people gain from saving money; compare and contrast Savings Accounts to Time Deposits; identify the reason why economists measure savings. Saving SECTION 1

2 So how do Banks work? Depositors create accounts with the banks and deposit money in the bank. The Bank uses this money in several different ways: Loaning money, investing, and paying for overall company operations. Since the bank makes interest from loaning this money out, they pay you part of the interest for providing them with the funds to do it. Saving SECTION 1

3 Benefits of saving money: Security- Your money is securely held by a bank protecting you from loss or theft. Your money is also protected for you from the bank by Federal Depository Insurance Corporation- FDIC Interest- By allowing the bank to use your money to make loans, you gain interest, growing your savings. Saving SECTION 1

4 Difference between savings accounts, money market, and time deposits: Savings accounts offer liquidity- you have access to the money whenever. Your money is used directly by the bank. Since you can ask for the full amount in your account at any time, the bank cannot make as much money with your account and therefore doesn’t pay as much interest. Saving SECTION 1

5 Difference between savings accounts, money market, and time deposits: Money Market Account The funds are used by the bank to invest in marketable securities that make the bank money. These include stock’s, bonds, or commodities such as oil or gold Your funds are liquid- to a point. The better the interest rate, the harder it is to access your money. Saving SECTION 1

6 Difference between savings accounts, money market, and time deposits: Time deposits (Also known as CD’s) require the saver to leave money in the account for a specific amount of time offer higher and fixed interest rates offer reduced liquidity Can impose penalties (fees) if depositor removes funds early. Saving SECTION 1

7 Real life- application Go to the website of a bank that you have an account with or that someone you know has an account with Search their website to find out how much interest they are paying on a savings account. Do they charge a yearly fee? Do they require a minimum balance? Provide details!!! Saving SECTION 1