Our education Hotelmanagement ► Make school practise internship ► First year-kitchen ► Second year -host ► Third year- front office ► Fourth year-management ► Internship coach ► School coach
First year ► 3 periods - 13 weeks ► One period- 210 hours ► 2 days a week ► Thursday, Friday (Saturday, Sunday) ► Restaurant / hotel- kitchen
Second year ► 3 periods- 13 weeks ► One period- 310 hours ► 3 days a week ► Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (Saturday, Sunday) ► Restaurant / hotel- Host
Third year ► 4 periods- 10 weeks ► Two periods- 720 hours ► 5 days a week ► Hotel-Front Office / Back Office
Fourth year ► 4 periods- 10 weeks ► One period- 160 hours ► 1 day a week ► Management
School coach ► What is a coach? ► School coach – Once a month Talk about yourself / self reflection Make a plan for next month
Internschip coach ► Coach on the internship ► Hotel / Restaurant ► Experienced employees ► Teach how to do better ► Give feedback
Meetings ► First meeting- sign contract with internship coach ► Second meeting- make a plan with both coaches ► Third meeting- reflection with both coaches
What else do we have to do? ► Making assignments- Report ► Put little reports in intranet - Make one big report of that ► Coach will examine that