Renewing the Commitment National Extension and Research Administrative Officers’ Conference 2012
EXTENSION INTERN PROGRAMS Stacey M. Warner Kansas State University Extension Operations Martha W. Thompson University of Kentucky Extension Personnel
Internships vs A Summer Job
Internship Definition Experiential learning Integration of knowledge and theory from classroom Practical application in a professional setting Students make connections in professional fields Employers guide and evaluate talent from National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)
From Intern to Professional Employers converted 58.6 percent of their Class of 2011 interns into full-time hires, according to results of NACE’s 2012 Internship & Co-op Survey. All-time high since NACE began reporting conversion rates in the early part of the century, and up from the previous high— 57.7 percent—reported in last year’s survey.
Journal of Extension : “The Extension internship provides a valuable learning experience for the agent and the intern. The intern receives a lesson in “real-world learning”; for many agents supervising an intern is an opportunity to update their knowledge and skills.” Wilken, C., Williams, B., Cadavieco, N., Walker, K., (Aug 2008)
Purpose Interns – Link classroom and work Host agents – Expand programming Extension administration – Develop applicant pool
K-State Research and Extension Internships
Overview 22 years 6 to 10 interns per summer Paid internship, no college credit Cost shared by local office and administration Youth development programming 30% of time on major project
Steps Recruiting Selection Preparation Orientation Connection Feedback
Recruiting Applicants Career fairs Former interns Agents University web sites Advisors Student organizations
Selection of Local Offices Proposal prepared Area director approval
Selection of Interns All applicants interviewed Interviews videotaped Top 12 to 15 selected Video and applicant materials sent to host agent Agent selects top 5 choices Offers made to applicants
Preparation for Interns News releases Conference call for host agents Housing located by host agents Host office prepares for intern
Intern Orientation First day of internship On campus 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Overview of organization Overview of summer internship Former interns present Lunch with administrative team
Intern Learning Program guide with objectives Major project Other activities
Connections Blog Mid-summer meeting End-of-summer review Program guide
Start all over again!
Outcomes 31 % of interns have been hired 50% of interns rated experience great 50% of interns rated experience good 54% of agents rated very successful 36% of agents rated moderately successful 9% rated neutral
University of Kentucky Extension Internships
Overview 43 years 35 to 40 interns per summer Paid internship & college credit Cost paid by local office, office of diversity and departments
Overview 12 weeks typical County & State assignments Primary and secondary assignments Special project Orientation and Roundup
Steps Recruiting Selection & Placement Orientation Connection Roundup Follow-up
Recruiting Applicants Mid-October through mid-May Faculty/Advisor s Word of mouth Classroom visits to targeted groups Student Organizations Career Fairs University Web Sites
Selection & Placement 190 applicants Interviewed 130 – 140 Allow intern repetition SelectionPlacement
Intern Orientation On campus – Interns and Intern Supervisors 1:00 am to 4:00 pm Overview of expectations Former interns present Overview of Extension / Tips for Supervisors Complete employment paperwork
Connection 2-page narrative reports Facebook Group Administrative visits
Roundup Interns and administration Agri-business tour & lunch Small group focus Process learning Evaluation
Follow-up Supervisor evaluations list for vacancy announcements
Outcomes 70 – 75 % rank internship excellent 22 – 25% rank internship good 25% of current agents were interns 50% minority agents were interns 96% of current agents who were interns say the internship is why they are agents
Our Websites University of Kentucky Kansas State University