Technical Operations 12 th July 2010 Dr Phil Spiby Eurostep Limited Integrating Systems Engineering Information with AP233
A Systems Engineers life Understand the whole problem before considering a solution Translate the problem into measureable requirements Consider all viable alternatives before identifying a solution Optimize the solution over the complete life cycle Test all components and the system as a whole before delivery Record the lessons learned, the next problem may be similar to the last.
AP233 Business case Given this scope for Systems Engineering and the wide range of tools used to assist the Systems Engineer in performing their tasks there is a clear and obvious need to enable data exchange between these tools. AP233 is the ISO Standard Data Exchange Protocol that provides this support and allows the Systems Engineer concentrate on their tasks instead of regularly dealing with data exchange problems.
ISO/IEC view of the world AP233 PLCS SysML UPDM
AP233 enables … communication between similar tools in Systems engineering usage … communication between different tools both within and external to Systems engineering functions … holistic approaches to data sharing … fine grain configuration management to Systems engineering data … sharing of management data currently locked up in proprietary formats and tools
AP233 Scope requirements text-based property-based breakdowns static structure PDM analysis trade study behaviour product structure system sub-system functional breakdown WBS verification & validation function-based issue config control security risk program management person & org state-based
AP233 Leverages Other Standards AP233 links to 30+ other ISO STEP information model standards (called Application Protocols) –Configuration Controlled Design (AP203) –Engineering Analysis (AP209 E2) –Produce Lifecycle Support (AP239/PLCS) AP233 and OMG SysML are aligned –AP233 and SysML were developed by the same INCOSE team (MDSD) and share many concepts
Current Status 100% successful International review –Completed March 2010 Being prepared for ISO publication –Should be available from ISO August 2010
STEP for DOD Acquisition Cycle Source: Dr. Raj Iyer, US Army
Current implementations Commercial AP233 Data Exchange tools sets now at ß-release or higher Systems Engineering Software Vendor companies developing and testing AP233 interfaces Independent testing service now set up –Run by NIST alongside SysML testing service International Companies currently evaluating AP233 methods and tools
Example pilot project MBEST (2008-present) Supported Next Generation Composite Wing (NGCW) project within the MBEST team Developed a Proof of concept demonstrator for the Model Based Collaboration Services –To support a collaborative, multi-disciplinary, multi- enterprise, model-based design environment for early stage aircraft design –Use COTS products and standards ISO /239, OASIS PLCS-PLM web services
MBEST (cont) Brings together the following concepts: –Formal descriptions of model based trade studies –Notifications to users of progress in trade study –Synchronisation to ensure the latest information is used –Requirements and Concepts –Risk management –Verification & supporting evidence
Model based Collaborative design process Architect Iteration service Synchronization agent Modelling & simulation agent Aircraft requirements Aircraft baseline Study concepts / objectives Trade Study Deployed processes models & tools Work request Change proposal Evolving network of models Directed activities Work order
SysML Model Management Extend mapping between SysML and AP233 –Add consolidation rules and effectivity management An AP233 based repository can then: –Consolidate SysML models With other SysML models With other models (i.e. Requirements Management tools) –Provide full history/roll-back of SysML models Tool independent Archivable
Demonstrated in CRESCENDO project AP233-based Data Bus IBM Rational® DOORS® AP233-based Data Bus AP233-based Repository