Bad Moon on the Rise
Moon’s shape and size The moon is 3476 km in diameter, just more than ¼ earth’s diameter The moon’s gravity is 1/6 that of Earth’s! com/moon_gravity.phtml com/moon_gravity.phtml The moon is egg shaped, with the round end facing the Earth.
Darker areas on the moon are called “Maria’s” (Mare – singular) which means “Seas” in Latin. These are low lying areas. The lighter areas are called Lunar Highlands. The mountains are the result of impacts by asteroids in the past! The Maria’s and Lunar Highlands both have craters from meteor impacts! The side of the moon seen from earth is called the Near Side. The side we never get to see is called the Far Side – it has almost no Maria. Why does erosion not occur on the moon? How do mountains on earth and the moon differ?
Moon Revolution and Rotation The moon revolves around the Earth in approximately 27 days. It also rotates on its axis in about 27 days. Therefore, the same side of the moon is always facing Earth. The Moon’s orbit goes above and below the plane of the Earth and sun by 5 degrees. HowStuffWorks "Far Sides and Moon Phases"
waxing crescentwaxing quarter waning quarter waning crescent Phases of the moon As the Moon revolves around the Earth, the moon appears to change shape in the sky. The moon does not actually change shape, but shadows are created giving the moon phases. There are eight phases of the moon.
Waxing vs. Waning Waxing means getting bigger Waning means getting smaller waxing crescentwaxing quarter waning quarter waning crescent
Making the phases of the moon As the Moon revolves around the Earth, the phases are created by the angle that the Earth views the light from the sun being reflected off the moon.
Eclipses Two kinds of eclipses 1.Lunar Eclipse 2.Solar Eclipse
Lunar Eclipse A lunar eclipse is when the Moon is in the Earth’s shadow.
Solar Eclipse A Solar Eclipse is when the Earth is in the moon’s shadow.
Parts of an eclipse There are 2 parts of an eclipse 1.Umbra 2.Penumbra
Moon and Earth’s Ocean Tides The Moon's gravitational forces are strong enough to “pull” the water in the oceans towards the Moon. This causes the water to 'bulge.' The areas of the Earth where the bulging occurs experience high tide, and the other areas are subject to a low tide. Also called Spring Tide Also called Neap Tide
Remember : Spring Tide = High Tide caused by the moon!! What phase of the moon do you think would cause the highest tides? Earth, Sun, and Moon are aligned!
Moon exploration First spacecraft to explore the moon happened in It was part of the Luna series launched by the former USSR. The US also created the Pioneer series which were competing with the Luna series to get to the moon. The first people to land on the moon were Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin in They were on the Apollo 11 mission.