Sand Hoke Early High School College
Demographic of students The basis demographic is the students are only allowed to enter due to invitation only They must meet the criteria for the program They have a diverse group of students bringing in students from all ethnic, cultural, and nationalities. The diversity of the student population helps students become more cultured
Cultural Pedagogy Allows students to use all technological tools to encourage independence and growth. The teachers are considered more of a facilitator than a teacher simply guiding students through curriculum. Cultural diverse school with students from all ethnicities, nationalities, and cultures. Charter school in a predominantly title one district who utilizes fund raising and other methods to obtain needed funds to meet their school requirements.
SHEHSC innovations and uniqueness Requires all students to have personal computers. Allows students to have an associated degree upon graduation. The set up of the school is based according to college schedule. All of the students that attend this school have to go through a three step process which consist of an interview, an essay, and an assessment of their past school attendance, grades, and evaluations of teachers whose classes they attended. Requires parents to volunteer for one of the many activities they have to ensure parental involvement
21 st century skills used They test students to determine strengths and weakness. Creates groups with students whose strengths and weakness help the group. Encourages each student to learn a second language Instills independence but also request that students learn the power of collaboration
Culturally relevant pedagogy The diversity of the student body gives students the experience of learning of various cultures and accepting people for who they are. Each student must research their heritage and make a presentation. Also question and answer section after presentation
Creativity in classrooms In English classes students are given a “free write section” to describe any area they wish to comment upon. When projects are given students have the freedom to chose substance of project but the facilitator must give the okay. There are several groups that each student is required to chose one to expand their involvement in areas they are unfamiliar with.
Different School Models Technological resources Educator centered classroom
Professional Learning Community To create a professional learning community, focus on learning rather than teaching, work collaboratively, and hold yourself accountable for results. Ensuring That Students Learn A Culture of Collaboration A Focus on Results Collaborating for School Improvement
Khan Academy You only have to know one thing: For free. For everyone. Forever. Our mission is to provide a free, world ‑ class education for anyone, anywhere. Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom.
Demographic of students Due to the nature of the Khan Academy and its utilization of the internet to instruct students the are very diverse and come from all corners of the globe. The method of instruction allows for all students who have access to the internet to become part of the Khan Academy family
Cultural Pedagogy The Khan Academy is contrary to the traditional concept of schools. Students learn through the internet while at home and do their homework at school under the guidance of their instructors. The school is very diverse due to how it is run and the methods utilized to instruct students.
21 st century skills Critical thinking Deductive reasoning Group collaboration Use of new technology and how to incorporate it into today’s world in practical applications Self reliance
Culturally relevant pedagogy Due to the vast amount of students and its primary learning tool being the internet the Khan Academy has students from every facet of the ethical, cultural, and nationality groups. Through this diversity students interact with other students from various cultural, ethical, and nationalities. Through this interaction they develop needed skills that will help them deal with our fast pace, technologically driven society.
Creativity The various classes they have for student such as Art History allows for creative thinking. Understanding of how to utilize these creative skills Nearly all of the instructors who work for Khan Academy have used their creative skills to create programs to further help students in their area of expertise
UMKC School of Education Greater insights into the values and perspectives of students, parents, and other stakeholders with an interest in public education New strategies for building relationships among all participants in the schooling process and for engaging students in meaningful and productive learning experiences. certificates/culturally-responsive-pedagogy certificates/culturally-responsive-pedagogy
Innovation and Uniqueness They train students to understand the diversity that is present in today’s school system. The utilization of various educational theories is taught to better understand the diverse environment teachers will encounter They explain and help future teachers understand they do have biases and must address them
Demographic of students This is the university that has expanded their curriculum to help future teachers understand, utilize, and develop their own skills to ensure they best address the plethora of circumstances that they will encounter in today’s educational system
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Become an agent of change and help sustain our communities with a graduate certificate in Culturally Responsive Pedagogy. The evidence is overwhelming: When urban students receive appropriate services that address the whole child and have effective teachers, they can learn and achieve at levels comparable to their middle class and suburban peers, despite the sizable inequities and challenges they have to overcome. Expand your appreciation of the relationship among teaching, learning, learner characteristics and experiences, as well as learning outcomes for traditionally underserved students, and learn to better understand the meaning of culture in framing curriculum and engaging students in meaningful learning experiences and tasks.
21 ST century skills This university is unique because they combine and teach the pattern of skills that are used through the concept of the Khan Academy The address the diversity and be cultural sensitive to the diversity they will encounter. Allowing students to be creative, innovative, and utilize certain skills such as critical thinking and deductive reasoning is necessary for this new technological world we have created.
References DuFour, R. (2004). What is a" professional learning community"?. Educational leadership, 61(8), Jones, A. (2001). Cross-cultural pedagogy and the passion for ignorance.Feminism & Psychology, 11(3), Lever-Duffy, J., McDonald, J., & Mizell, A. (2002). The 21st-Century Classroom: Teaching and Learning with Technology. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.. Lopez, D. (2013). No excuses university: How six exceptional systems are revolutionizing our schools (2nd ed.).No excuses university: How six exceptional systems are revolutionizing our schools Wardle, F. (2013). Human relationships and learning in the multicultural environment. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Human relationships and learning in the multicultural environment responsive-pedagogy/ responsive-pedagogy/