All images © Mat Wright Transition of the process and framework of Online Payments
Background The ESOP Programme has now implemented Online Payments in 50 countries; the project has a budget of £475K and 5 members of staff working on it. In parallel to the rollout, the ESOP team (Programme Manager and Legal Consultant) have been putting together the ‘Transition of the Service’ and ‘Handover Pack’.
Key assumptions ESOP will transition the framework and processes to allow existing systems/ future investments Projects to rollout Online Payments. ESOP will transition in March Transitioning the service will include briefing the new online payments ‘Owner’ and Corporate leads of the key processes involved in rolling out Online Payments. A handover pack of documents will also be provided to the wider business. All the documents will be held on a sharepoint site. Communications will take place to ensure expectations of the transition are clearly understood.
Key assumptions It is our understanding that once transition takes place, future online payment needs (could be investment projects or could be existing systems wanting to link in with payments). will have this handover pack at their disposal but will need to procure further resource to ensure the successful roll-out of online payments for their project. If there are a number of investment projects all seeking online payments in this way, fragmentation will lead to duplication of work, cost inefficiencies and straining corporate and technical resources. It could be argued that there is some scope for pooling investment project funding in respect of online payments. Such mapping or coordination would be carried out by a small standalone investment project in itself which will be dedicated to E-Commerce.
Reg System Payments There are three clear streams to Online Payments. The first of these is A registration system, the second a payments platform, the third is the ADU Resource required to make any connections/development needed to connect the systems. The Payments box is what is being transitioned by ESOP Technical Resource
Online Payment BAU Process Page 6
Handover Pack E Commerce Function Outline (inclusive of a definition of E- Commerce) The Matrix with accompanying notes EU Law on Online Trading Standard Consumer Terms Matrix for separate legal entities Booklet on corporate functions and reasons for engagement Presentations on E-Commerce Rollout Reference Slides on payments industry Financial Operating Models Input into digital toolkit Toolkit/Guide to Online Payments rollout from request to first transaction Communication Plan Q and A Guide outlining the input of the Noida Team
Possible Platforms Intranet site as a front end containing: High level guidance on e-commerce Graphical representation of the process Form to request online payments E-Commerce Board meeting dates FAQs SharePoint site as a secondary site containing: All requests Detailed guidance documentation
Key Roles Online Payments Owner E-Commerce Board Richard Symonds Ben Morris Deborah Robinson Toby Bushill Laura Dawson/Dan Hall Representation from each SBU Intranet and SharePoint Site owner* Secretary to E-Commerce Board * *this could be the same role