Starter: Explain how the idea of how the universe is arranged has changed over time? Why does it keep changing?? Practice: Notes ; glue here when done 3/2/ /2/16 Connection: Ws Exit: What does the color of a galaxy as seen from earth tell us? Galaxies Notes and Ws Application: Galaxies Notes and WS NumberType of Galaxy EQ: How can patterns be used to describe the universe?
1. Starter 2. Notes 3. Activity 4. Exit
DateLecture/ Activity/ Lab Page Table of Contents 2/29 Big Bang Lab /1 Em Spectrum /2 Galaxies Notes
A galaxy is a collection of stars, gas and dust held together by gravity. Scientists estimate that there are more than 100 billion galaxies scattered throughout the visible universe. Galaxies range from 10,000 to 200,000 light-years in size. Galaxies
Globular clusters-groups of older stars
Gravity holds the billions of stars together, and the densest region is in the center, called a core or bulge. All galaxies have a faint outer region or envelope and a mysterious dark matter halo.
Quasars- star-like sources of light; may be cores of young galaxies
Nebulas- large clouds of dust and gas; birth place of stars
Altogether, a galaxy contains billions of stars and there are trillions of galaxies distributed across the Universe. There are four main types, spiral, barred spiral, elliptical and irregular.
Have a bulge in the middle and spiral arms the center of a spiral is made of old stars, arms made with young stars that formed recently out of gas and dust. shape caused by the rotation of the galaxy We live in the Milky Way, a Spiral Galaxy on the Orion Arm in the Local Group.
Barred spirals have a round or oval bulge with a nearly rectangular bar across it. The spiral arms attach to the bar rather than the bulge. Two thirds of all spiral galaxies are barred spirals and after a certain amount of time, the bars disappear.
Have no star formation or any visible features. Most have thousands of globular clusters Contain mostly old stars Have bright centers and very little dust and gas Looks like a sphere Elliptical Elliptical galaxies might be formed when two galaxies merge
Mostly have grainy, highly irregular groups of bright areas. They have no noticeable symmetry nor obvious central core Made of younger stars They don’t fit any other class Found near spiral galaxies ▪ Ex. Magellanic Clouds Irregular
The next 10 slides are different pictures of galaxies. As we go through the pictures, in the chart in your journal, write down the name of which type of galaxy you think each picture is. Try to get as many as you can correct. We will review in the end.
Barred Spiral
Barred Spiral
Starter: Explain how the idea of how the universe is arranged has changed over time? Why does it keep changing?? Practice: Notes ; glue here when done 3/2/ /2/16 Connection: Ws Exit: What does the color of a galaxy as seen from earth tell us? Galaxies Notes and Ws Application: Galaxies Notes and WS NumberType of Galaxy EQ: How can patterns be used to describe the universe?