We will explore in chapter 3 and 5 concepts of Trigonometry. Trigonometry
The essential question is…
Can all cyclical motion be defined mathematically?
Cyclical Motion Here are examples of cyclical motion!
Project Objectives Understand the General Sine Function Collect & Interpret Real Cyclical Data Represent the Data Mathematically Apply knowledge to a real situation
In Science In Business In Mechanics Other
Ch 3 - Act. 2 - Internet Search Choose one idea from the list. Find several examples on the internet. List the source URLs and a description. Then choose one of them. Write an interesting problem to solve.
Chapter 3 – Act. 3 - Spring Lab 1.Collect data using technology. 2.Graph the data. 3.Use a regression curve to find the function. Then…
Chapter 3 - Act. 4 - Report Create a spring lab report using publisher. Choose either: 1.Newsletter, 2.Brochure, or 3.Web page Click on the graphics to view a student sample of each. Newsletter Brochure Website
Chapter 5 – PowerPoint 1.Choose a real world situation involving cyclical motion. A.Choose your own or… B.Modify from a suggested list 2.Create a PowerPoint presentation demonstrating the mathematics of cyclical motion. Student Example
Evaluation PowerPoint Report Chapter pts. Spring Lab Report Chapter pts. or
Credits Credits: 1.Microsoft clip art 2. Web Clip Empire 150,000