The Gare Saint-Lazare: Arrival of a Train by Claude Monet
“Shortly before mid-day I placed the single earphone to my ear and started listening.... I was at last on the point of putting... My beliefs to test. The answer came at 12:30 when I heard, faintly but distinctly, pip-pip-pip. I handed the phone to Kemp: ‘Can you hear anything?’ I asked. ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘the letter S’—he could hear it.... The electric waves sent out into space from Britain had traversed the Atlantic—the distance, enormous as it seemed then, of 1,700 miles—It was an epoch in history. I now felt for the first time absolutely certain the day would come when mankind would be able to send messages without wires... between the farthermost ends of the earth.” Guglielmo Marconi
Notice that some countries are not industrialized. Why?
From the late 19 th to the early 20 th century inventors made many advances in Technology. Among the inventors were Guglielmo Marconi (wireless radio), Thomas Edison (electric light), Alexander Graham Bell (telephone) & the Wright Brothers (airplane). These new inventions combined with discovery of new energy sources to create a Second Industrial Revolution. Edison Bell Wright Brothers
After observing a slaughterhouse in Chicago, Henry Ford figured he could reverse the process of taking an animal apart and apply it to putting an automobile together. The end result of the assembly line was affordable transportation for the American middle class. With advances in transportation like steamships and trains a true global economy emerged. People could obtain goods from around the world in a reasonable amount of time.
What happened to Europe’s population In the 19 th century?
With industrialization a new elite group emerged as some of the old aristocrats from Europe began to marry into families of the nuveau-riche capitalists. It was a trade that benefited both parties. An upper middle class emerged made up of professionals, and the lower middle class were well-off farmers, shopkeepers, and salespeople. The working class poor were always there and they began to organize to achieve better wages and working conditions. Women began to move into certain jobs and this challenged the traditional thinking about the role of women in society.
Queen Victoria Florence Nightingale Emmeline Pankhurst Queen Victoria had a large effect on this era. She had 9 children and 42 grandchildren, and encouraged women to stay with the traditional family. But some women followed another lifestyle. Florence Nightingale became a pioneer in nursing during the Crimean War, and Emmeline Pankhurst fought long and hard for women’s suffrage. Her efforts in Great Britain laid the groundwork for the eventual achievement of the vote for women.
Czar Nicholas II Bloody Sunday,1905 “We were not more than thirty yards from the soldiers, being separated from them only by the bridge over the Tarakanovskii Canal, when suddenly, without any warning and without a moment’s delay, was heard the dry crack of many rifle-shots.... A little boy of ten years, who was carrying a church lantern, fell pierced by a bullet. Both the [black]smiths who guarded me were killed, as well as all those who were carrying the icons and banners; and all these emblems now lay scattered on the snow. The soldiers were actually shooting into the courtyards of the adjoining houses, where the crowd tried to find refuge.” Description by a witness to the January 22, 1905 Bloody Sunday Massacre
The Conservative and Liberal parties competed for power and the Labour Party emerged in 1900 A few reforms for workers were enacted. Lost the Franco-Prussian war in Instability in the government resulted But eventually the 3 rd Republic was Able to achieve democratic rule. Italy had a weak government and had problems with corruption. After the 1905 revolution the Czar was forced to call on a legislative body called the Duma. Not very effective but democratic. Austro-Hungary was a multiethnic country led by Emperor Franz Joseph. They had a parliament but the emperor often ignored it. There were many conflicts among the ethnic minorities and this would later start World War I. In Hungary Franz Joseph had no say in the internal affairs of the country.
After fighting a devastating civil war over slavery the United States became a leading industrial nation with excellent natural resources and a steady supply of immigrants for cheap labor. Though Slavery had ended civil rights for African- Americans were poor. The economy was good and, like Europe, The US began to look for markets in Other places. One place, Hawaii, had an American presence with missionaries and Businessmen in place. The Businessmen Overthrew Hawaii's Queen Liliuokalani And eventually the U.S. annexed Hawaii Later they moved into the Philippine Islands. These were stepping stones for Trade in Asian countries Queen Liliuokalani
In the early 1900’s there was competion between European powers over markets and territory in foreign lands but in Southern Europe there was a crisis in the multiethnic Austro-Hungarian Empire. Russia coveted the area because it offered warm-water ports. Greece, Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro became independent, but then Austro-Hungary annexed Bosnia. Wars broke out and the Balkans would become a point of destiny for Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie. Franz & Sophie Ferdinand
Group Assignment: Create a cause and effect multi-flow map with one of the bullets shown above. Treat each piece of Information as the event and list the causes and effects. It Is also on page 328 in your textbook.
By 19 th century standards, which governments were considered to be liberal, and which were conservative? What type of government did the United States have in the 19 th century?
“Do not define too closely the outlines of things; it is the brush stroke of the right value and color which should produce the drawing... The eye should not be fixed on one point, but should take in everything, while observing the reflections which the colors produce on their surroundings. Work at the same time upon sky, water, branches, ground, keeping everything going on an equal basis.... Don’t proceed according to rules and principles, but paint what you observe and feel. Paint generously unhesitatingly, for it is best not to lose the first impression.” Camille Pissarro Self Portrait by Camille Pissarro
She discovered an element called radium. Radium gave off energy, or radiation, that apparently came from within the atom itself. Atoms turned out to be not solid bodies of matter but small, active worlds. She died in 1934 from too much exposure to radiation.
E = MC² Einstein in 1905, when he discovered The secret of the universe. Shown in his mid-20s, Einstein sports a tailor-made plaid suit while seated at his Bern, Switzerland, patent office post. (Lucien Chavan / Magnes Press)
Shown during one of his visits to Pasadena, Einstein writes and discusses an equation for the density of the Milky Way at the Carnegie Institution on Jan. 14, (Magnes Press)
Portrait of Einstein snapped on his 72nd birthday, March 14, After a day of public appearances and reluctant to smile yet again, Einstein strikes a unique visage for a UPI photographer. Pictures are from the book, “Albert Einstein: The Persistent Illusion of Transience” (Arthur Sasse / Magnes Press)
He published The Interpretation of Dreams in Behavior is strongly determined by past experiences When painful things happen, they are often repressed. Patients retraced repressed thoughts back to their childhood This is called Psychoanalysis
Social Darwinism is a major example of extreme nationalism. Social Darwinism was a theory used to justify the dominance of Western nations in the late nineteenth century. It was the “survival of the fittest,” in competition for world resources, and Imperialism was a natural scientific outcome.
A false idea based on misunderstanding of ancient Indian texts. The Aryans were rulers in ancient India and the translator assumed they were white people. This led to the Belief that white people (“Aryans”) should rule the world.
Alfred Dreyfus Falsely accused of selling army secrets to Germany & sent to Devil’s Island. Evidence soon emerged - Dreyfus had been framed by anti-Semitic officers. The issue was debated for more than a decade. Dreyfus’ name was finally cleared and he was released. Points out Anti-Semitism in France
Germany: Even fairy tales were anti-Semitic! Russia: Pogroms caused many Jews to leave and immigrate to the US. Beginning of the Zionist movement. Many Jews were forced to leave their homeland.
Female Impressionist Artist
Best known – Idea was to capture movement of light
The Gare Saint-Lazare: Arrival of a Train by Claude Monet, This painting illustrates Monet’s fascination with Light as it is reflected and absorbed by the sky, clouds, windows, and trains.
One of the most famous Impressionist painters. Shown is “Dance at the Moulin De la Galette,” a fine example of his work.
Use of color and structure to express a mood. What mood is the artist showing here?
Starry Night, by Vincent Van Gogh Van Gogh is well known for going mad, but he used new colors and textures in his works of art that had never been seen before. A creative genius!
George Eastman created the first Kodak camera in George Eastman didn’t invent Photography but he made it accessible to the masses. The innovation is shown at left: the Kodak Brownie camera.
Picasso's "Portrait of Ambroise Vollard" With Cubism Picasso used geometric shapes to express the idea of a subject. Despite the distortion the human mind still sees a human form here!
Braque was a contemporary of Picasso and is also considered to be an innovator in modern art!
“Composition VII” created by Kandinsky in 1913 Kandinsky took the arts a step further than even Picasso or Braque with Abstract Painting. Note the lines are blurred but the composition is exquisite!
Taliesen was a school for architects created by Wright.
Frank Lloyd Wright’s “Fallingwater” is arguably his most famous work.
A scene from Stravinsky’s “Rite of Spring.” When the ballet opened in Paris in 1913 it created a riot!
Both composers used impressionism in their works, which conveyed a variety of moods.
“Okay, thanks for teaching us about Europe before World War I. But what about Imperialism in Africa, Asia, and Latin America?”