1 Engineering support of IS in economic activity PhM of NDT INDT
2 ERP ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning –is a standard regulating CIS and embracing the whole financial, economic and industrial activities of the company.
3 Functional modules of ERP-system. Nucleus * Sales and production planning. * Demand management. * Enlarged capacity planning. * The main production plan (schedule of output). * Material requirements planning. * Product specifications. * Capacity requirements planning. * The routing / work centers. * Checking and correcting the shop plans by capacities. * Procurement, inventory, sales management. * Financial management. * Cost management. * Management of projects / programs.
4 Supplementary modules of ERP- systems * Supply Chain Management SCM ( previously - DRP, Distribution Resource Planning); * Improved planning and production schedules APS (Advanced Planning and Scheduling); * Customer Relationship Management CRM ( formerly referred to as sales automation module - Sales Force Automation); * The e-commerce (Electronic Commerce); * Product Data Management PDM (Product Data Management); * Add-in BI (Business Intelligence), including solutions based on business systems analysis OLAP (On-Line Analysis Processing) and decision support systems DSS (Decision Support Systems); * Stand-alone module, responsible for system configuration SACE (Stand Alone Configuration Engine); * Final ( detailed ) planning resources FRP (Finite Resource Planning).
5 Main benefits of ERP-systems * Reduction in the cost of products and services through the efficiency of operations; * Reduced time-to-market; * Cost savings and faulty goods decrease; * Improving the quality of products; * Order processing in a closed cycle.
6 Weak sides of ERP-systems: * Internal focus; * Functions limited by only production and administration; * No sales functions, marketing and product development; * System responses to market changes late; * The efficiency of operations can be copied and improved by competitors.
7 ERP II Enterprise Resource and Relationship Processing is a standard regulating the CIS, focused on the integration of customers and business partners activities in its internal system, the variant ERPII - XRP-system is also possible.
8 Interaction with counterparts in the system ERPII direct contact with customers B2C (Business-to-Consumer) and/or with business partners B2B (Business-to- Business).
9 XRP-system a system of standard ERP II, using the application on the customer relationship management CRM software of middleware EAI.
10 Application of CRM Customer Relationship Management is CIS application for managing relationships with the customer. Standard CRM is customer management system and accounting of potential sales.
11 Conditions of СRМ-strategy Single repository of information. Management synchronization of multiple interaction channels. Continuous analysis of the information collected about customers.
12 Classification of SRM in key areas Operational СRМ. Analytical СRМ. Collaborational СRМ.
13 Software of EAI middleware Enterprise Application Integration is CIS application, providing the following functions: e-commerce, supply chain management, access to applications, virtual marketplaces.
14 Standard CSRP Customer Synhronized Resource Planning is resource planning together with the customer) - a standard that allows integrating processes within a corporation and beyond into a single unit.
15 Standard SCM Supply Chain Management – [Management of relationships with suppliers].
16 Conclusion The main purpose of implementation of CIS in the enterprise - the creation of a unified information system to automate all key processes and efficiently manage and account limited resources (money, time, production facilities, etc.) in the enterprise. ERPII CR M XRP MRP SCM CSRP MPS ERP MRPII
17 Questions Name and describe the functional modules of ERP-systems. List the major benefits and disadvantages of ERP-systems. Name the cause of the С RM strategy. What is collaboration С RM? Are there examples of its implementation?
18 1. Oleinik P.P. Corporate information systems. - St. Petersburg.: Peter, Samardak A.S. Corporate information systems. - Vladivostok Sources