LINE A line is the path of a moving point Example of Form Examples of Lines
FORM: 3-D: Height, Width & Depth Real or Implied
SHAPE The area enclosed by an outline
SPACE (Depth of field) organizes elements within the picture plane
Actual- Control of size and spatial relationships Shallow- Uses little perspective or depth of field
Texture REAL – a surface which can be felt
Implied - Drawn or painted texture representing a surface
Hatch mark A measured guide line to aid the artist in creating a justified grid
Justified A grid in which the horizontal and vertical axis's are parallel and perpendicular
Grid System A method of drawing designed to aid the artist by placing a justified grid over the image to be reproduced
Anamorphic Grid A grid designed to change, alter or distort the original image
Anamorphic Grid Example
Core Shadow The darkest or richest value of an object within the picture plane
Cast Shadow The shadow generated by an object exposed to a light source
Value – the proper name for shades and shading in art (refers to the range of dark to light within the artwork)
Highlight The lightest value of an object exposed to a light source
Reflected Light The phenomenon related to the light which passes around a round object
Value Scale A tool displaying graded shades to aid the artist in value placement
3-D (Three Dimensional) An object within the picture plane implying height, width and depth also called having volume (Voluminous)
Transfer Drawing A two step method of copying a drawing to a fresh surface; First coating the back of the original drawing with a soft, dry media (graphite, Charcoal, Chalk) Then re-tracing the drawing face-up on a new surface
Color Wheel A tool designed to aid the artist in: 1.color theory 2.mixing 3.application
Primary Triad RED Yellow Blue The building block of color theory & mixing
Secondary Triad Orange green violet Red + yellow = Orange Yellow + Blue = Green red + blue = violet
Analogous colors A color family comprised of any three (3) colors side-by-side on the color wheel
Tint Any color on the color wheel plus WHITE
Shade Any color on the color wheel plus it’s compliment or black
Hue Another or the proper name for color
Intensity Refers to the purity & brightness of a color
Complimentary color Colors opposite one another on the color wheel Red & green Yellow & violet Blue & orange
Tertiary Color- colors found between primary & secondary colors on the color wheel
Monochromatic A l l t i n t s & s h a d e s o f a c o l o r
Collage A method of creating art by pasting materials & media to the picture plane
Atmospheric Perspective – The illusion of space within the picture plane through the diminution of color and blurring of detail
Repetition is the use of the element(s) of art more than once in a composition or picture plane
Examples of repetition creating texture
Balance Symmetrical or formal balance Asymmetrical or informal balance FORMAL INFORMAL
Emphasis The artist utilizes any combination of the elements & principles of art to lead the viewers’ eye through the picture plane
CONTRAST – Displays the differences & variations possible within the elements of art
Unity – the harmony achieved when the elements and principles of art relate creating a convincing artwork
19th Paris
French, Dutch, English & American
MONET Satiric
Impressionism began in France in the 1860’s Academie des Beaux-Arts
Salon Societie Paint in tubes were the new technology
Paint Tubes
Impressionists were known as the independents Light
Impasted Textural
Color & Texture
REBELS Anarchist
Religious Themes, History & Royalty, Greek Literature, Landscapes & Still Lives
71. Claude Monet ( )Water Lilies 72. Edgar Degas ( )Ballet Dancers 73. Pierre-Auguste Renoir ( ) Porcelain painter 74. Camille Pissarro ( ) Ala Prima Painter 75. Alfred Sisly ( ) Starving Artist/Ala Prima Painter 76. Mary Cassat ( ) American
77. The Elements of Art 1.Line 2.Form 3.Shape 4.Value 5.Texture 6.Space 7.Color
78. The Principles of Art 1.Repetition 2.Balance 3.Emphasis 4.Contrast 5.Unity
79. Andy Warhol
Highlight Cast Shadow Core Shadow 80.
Draw & Shade the 5 Geo-forms