Real Covenants
Definition Promise which is enforceable not only between the original parties, but also between successors of either party solely because they are now the new owners of the land.
Elements of Real Covenant 1. Enforceable Promises
Elements of Real Covenant 1. Enforceable Promises 2. Intent for Promise to Run with the Land
Elements of Real Covenant 1. Enforceable Promises 2. Intent for Promise to Run with the Land 3. Promise Must “Touch and Concern” the Land
Elements of Real Covenant 1. Enforceable Promises 2. Intent for Promise to Run with the Land 3. Promise Must “Touch and Concern” the Land 4. Privity
Gallagher v. Bell
Cabin John Park
Neponsit v. Emigrant From the Neponsit Property Owners’ Association Website: “Just fifteen miles from Manhattan, lies an oasis called Neponsit. A peninsula only 4 blocks wide, Neponsit occupies an area of less than one tenth of a square mile, bordered by Beach 142nd and Beach 149th Streets, Jamaica Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.”
Neponsit v. Emigrant 1936 Photo of Neponsit
Neponsit v. Emigrant 1924 Colorized Photo of Neponsit
Neponsit v. Emigrant Neponsit Today
Neponsit v. Emigrant Neponsit Today