Community Impacts Environmental Justice Public Involvement Categorical Exclusion Training Class
Community Impacts Categorical Exclusion Training Class 2
Community Impacts Regional & Community Factors Discuss positive and negative impacts Redistribution of or increase/decrease of population Induced changes in land use/density Changes expected or anticipated Consistent with local land use plans/zoning Include any applicable MPO plans Categorical Exclusion Training Class 3
Community Impacts Neighborhood Factors Social and economic impacts Impact upon interaction among persons or groups Impact upon property values Categorical Exclusion Training Class 4
Community Impacts Public Facilities & Services Health Centers Education Utilities Fire, Police, EMS Institutions Transit Projects that alleviate event congestion Lane Avenue Bridge - Ohio Stadium Fort Washington Way - Stadium Access Categorical Exclusion Training Class 5
Community Impacts Public Facilities & Services Consider impacts upon the ability of a business or organization to provide adequate services Eliminating holes from a golf course Eliminating parking spaces from a business Permanent access restrictions to public facilities Categorical Exclusion Training Class 6
Community Impacts Resources MPOs Local Governments Social Services Meals on Wheels Libraries Special Interest Groups American Trucking Association Civic Organizations Chambers of Commerce Convention and Visitors Bureau Categorical Exclusion Training Class 7
Community Impacts Data Collection & Activities Field investigations Census data Mapping Public involvement activities Local and/or community leaders and residents Ohio Department of Development Community Impact Assessment: Quick Reference for Transportation Categorical Exclusion Training Class 8
Community Impacts Tab – E nviro N et Categorical Exclusion Training Class 9
Community Impacts Tab - E nviro N et Categorical Exclusion Training Class 10
Community Impacts Tab - E nviro N et Categorical Exclusion Training Class 11
Environmental Justice
Legal Requirements The Civil Rights Act of 1964 Prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin Executive Order (1994) Requires federal agencies to identity and address disproportionately high and adverse effects upon minority and low-income populations FHWA Order A defines disproportionately high and adverse effects Categorical Exclusion Training Class 13
ODOT’s EJ Guidance Currently being revised Developed by OES in partnership with FHWA Designed to determine if disproportionately high and adverse effects will occur upon EJ populations Categorical Exclusion Training Class 14
EJ Guidance Census data oriented Block Group % Data obtained via USEPA’s EJSCREEN If Block Group Data : Answer drop-downs in Online CE (EJ Tab) Set of 4 Questions, each with sub questions An EJ Analysis Report may be required Categorical Exclusion Training Class 15
EJ Guidance Appropriate level of PI must always be conducted Type and intensity of PI outreach based on data Contact MPO, community leaders, stakeholders Engage EJ populations as part of PI Do not conduct windshield surveys Categorical Exclusion Training Class 16
USEPA EJSCREEN ACS for minority population ACS for low income population Identifies block group percentages and percentiles Use percentages not percentiles Multiple block groups may be within project area Draw the project or study area Categorical Exclusion Training Class 17
Minority Data Categorical Exclusion Training Class 18
Low-Income Data Categorical Exclusion Training Class 19
EJ Tab – E nviro N et Categorical Exclusion Training Class 20
Categorical Exclusion Training Class 21 EJ Tab - E nviro N et
Categorical Exclusion Training Class 22 EJ Tab - E nviro N et
Categorical Exclusion Training Class 23 EJ Tab - E nviro N et
Categorical Exclusion Training Class 24 EJ Tab - E nviro N et
Remarks Example The proposed project will have no disproportionately high and adverse impacts to minority or low income populations based upon the table above and the attached mapping. No Environmental Justice issues were raised as a result of public involvement activities conducted as part of the proposed project. Therefore, in accordance with the protections of Executive Order and FHWA Order A, no further Environmental Justice analysis is required. Categorical Exclusion Training Class 25
Remarks Example ( No EJ Analysis Report is required) The proposed project will have no disproportionately high and adverse impacts to minority or low income populations based upon the above table, the attached mapping and the answers to the questions above. No Environmental Justice issues were raised as a result of public involvement activities conducted as part of the proposed project. Therefore, in accordance with the protections of Executive Order and FHWA Order , no further Environmental Justice analysis is required. Categorical Exclusion Training Class 26
EJ Analysis Report Outline Project Description Purpose & Need Census data Impacts Avoidance, minimization or mitigation measures Public Involvement Summary ( standard language in guidance ) Reviewed by District, ODOT-OES and FHWA OES issues concurrence IOC/ Categorical Exclusion Training Class 27
Project File Documentation can include Census data/mapping by block group Minority and low-income EJ Analysis Report (if required) OES Approval Project Related Correspondence – (OES decision) Follow the NEPA Assignment File Management and Documentation Guidance Categorical Exclusion Training Class 28
Public Involvement Public NotificationPublic Involvement
Documentation Stakeholder and Public meetings Publicity Materials presented/distributed Comments received Response to comments Property Owner Notification Letters Public Meeting Notifications Press Releases 30 Categorical Exclusion Training Class
Public Comments Public given the opportunity to comment Comments must be responded to Discuss how each comment was addressed 31 Categorical Exclusion Training Class
Remarks Briefly summarize all PI activities conducted List date(s) of meeting(s) held Stakeholder and public meetings, workshops, etc. Number of attendees Describe efforts to engage EJ populations Discuss comments received and response given 32 Categorical Exclusion Training Class
Example 33 A public meeting was held on May 29, 2005, at the City of Cambridge Public Library. An announcement was published in the local papers with wide distribution in the project area, including The Herald and The Monitor on May 24, Letters were mailed to residents and businesses within a ½ mile of the project area. The letters included an announcement of the public meeting, project details and a map of the project area, and a comment form. The meeting was held in an open house format which allowed the public to review project information boards and discuss the project with staff from the city, ODOT, and XYZ Consultant. Eight people attended the meeting. No written comments were received at the meeting or during the two week public comment period which followed the meeting. See Attachments for a copy of the flyer and notation of the comment. Categorical Exclusion Training Class
Project File Documentation can include: Property Owner Notification Letters Notification Mailing List Stakeholder Notifications Public Meeting Handouts/Exhibits Sign-in Sheets Press Releases Newspaper Articles Public Meeting Notifications Comments Received Follow the NEPA Assignment File Management and Documentation Guidance 34 Categorical Exclusion Training Class
Resources ODOT’s PI Manual PI Guidance and Publications FHWA Public Involvement Techniques for Transportation Decision-Making 35 Categorical Exclusion Training Class
PI Tab - E nviro N et 36 Categorical Exclusion Training Class
37 Categorical Exclusion Training Class PI Tab – E nviro N et